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Everything posted by shrader

  1. That sounds like the kind of crazy thing that a goalie would say.
  2. The annual eye sore is no more. Sign me up for the bonfire made out of all the election yard signs!
  3. 27 of those 33 shots were in the first two periods. That egg they laid in the third people probably think very differently of the game. But instead it’s the same old crap we’ve seen for way too long now. The early fluke goal and they lose all hope. It spirals into bad periods and losing streaks. It’s the third thing that’s guaranteed in life.
  4. The same exact thing that has killed them for so many years now. They’re the lays potato chips of bad hockey teams. Betcha can’t lose just one.
  5. His points per game from last year (1.38) would project out to 16.6 points over the 12 games he’s played so far this year. So that’s either 16 or 17 points. He has 15 points on the year. Is that really a meaningful drop?
  6. The pronoun is what? Or does that face and period belong to the pronoun?
  7. I want to start calling him Claguel.
  8. I've ordered two different jerseys through one buffalo, still waiting on the second one. The last one took a while because it was the 50th. But then again, shipping to NC is a much different animal than shipping to Europe, so who knows what you guys will get.
  9. All this because of one troll post?
  10. Assuming each ticket is different, yes. Try to predict a die roll. If you get two choices you've doubled your chance. It's the same idea.
  11. My words right now are in no way a defense. I just wonder if the league actually has any ground to keep him out of the league like Bettman said there. He's a lawyer so I'm sure that he knows what he's doing, but I can't help but wonder if he's opening the door to potential litigation.
  12. Remember when it used to be past tense?
  13. I just ordered a blue Tuch over the weekend, forgetting that this was right around the corner. I have no issues with these jerseys, but I'm content with my choice.
  14. I do think the kid should not be black listed for life due to something done as an 8th grader. Still, the Bruins would be very wise to keep him away from their fans. They'll bring that behavior out of him if he's still like that at all.
  15. Sorry for 4 posts in a row, but I feel like this story is worth the share. So I'm at the urinal when all of a sudden someone asks me "please tell me they gave you that jersey today". I turn my head to look... JP Dumont. I absolutely hate having any conversation while in a public restroom, but I'll give a free pass to JP.
  16. Well my night started off well. They had a surprise autographed puck purchase. I thought mine was #92 and I was a bit confused thinking it might be Thompson. But I flipped it over and realized it was a 26 Dahlin. So that was a great start. I also now have my old 43 red Brion jersey signed. It was a great time all around. The most enjoyable parts were probably JP Dumont and Jason Dawe just mingling completely separate from the rest of the event. I’m so glad I got the chance to enjoy this event.
  17. Such a great time. I’ll have pictures and stories tomorrow.
  18. This is coming up in a couple hours. Can't wait, especially after the last two games.
  19. I don't quite understand this rotation thing. You're telling me that setup this rotation from day 1 and Peterka wasn't a part of it but Quinn was? I'm not sure I buy that. Is it actually a rotation if someone can graduate from it that quickly?
  20. Crap, I was going to say Anderson.
  21. One of the grocery stores out here has the "parents with small children" parking spot. It made me wonder when I saw it, I have a small child but he's not wasn't with me. Can I still park there? I mean, of course I can park there. There is no law about those spots like there is with the handicap spots, but I'm not going to be a richard and use them anyway.
  22. I can’t speak for his reasoning. But then again, I’ve got about 80% of the posts on this board on ignore now because some like to think they know what another person is thinking better than the actual person does. But anyway, I saw I always get to stuff late around here and I saw it here first. I’m not even sure what the other thread is but I’ll find it eventually. Anyway, I’d you want to take issue with the word gang, ok, but there was definitely a large group going after one or two guys. Espn put out a video that shows some pretty clear shots of one guy taking multiple helmet swings at the the Michigan player’s head. It happened, there’s no denying that. With police investigating, assault charges may ver well come into play. If you want to know how it’s different than the idiocy of the hockey brawl, I suggest you count bodies. But then again, the video picks it up already in progress, so I have no idea what sparked it and how it got to that state.
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