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Everything posted by shrader

  1. No doubt. Cincy is the one interesting scenario at the top of the conference where the Bills don’t control the tie breaker right now. Or maybe they do, I have no idea what comes after head to head. They’re the only team up top that Buffalo hasn’t beaten, or isn’t about to play in the next couple weeks. edit: Ignore that, I’m an idiot. I forgot that they play the afc central this year. editx2: My idiocy continues to grow. The afc central doesn’t exist anymore.
  2. Pretty much everything went their way this weekend. Baltimore winning is the only thing that even remotely threatens the Bills in the standings. I suppose Cincy does too, but that’s obviously the better outcome of that game.
  3. I was just completely reckless in most spots, throwing myself around at will. I’d side on the gym floor in wiffleball games. It was fun sitting through class the rest of the day with my pant leg sticking to my brush burned shin.
  4. Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen any of the bell ringers yet this year. Odd.
  5. Speaking of volleyball, was anyone else the crazy fool who would dive for the volleyball in high school gym class?
  6. Master of the obvious right there.😁 -Why is something a rule? -Because it’s a rule.
  7. Ahhh crap, I knew it was coming soon. But hey, he was still 19 when Dahlin was out and he was up near 30 minutes.
  8. Why don’t the blocks at the net count as one of the three times you can hit the ball?
  9. A 19 year old defenseman who is eating up minutes and looks like he’ll be a guy who can be out there 30 minutes when needed and they blew the draft? Teenagers and the verdict is already in. 🙄
  10. That was the one piece I was wondering about, the third point of contact when his knee was down on the sideline. But whatever, they’re never going to be able to piece together a catch rule that makes sense and people like.
  11. It never hit the ground though, right? Just shifted in his arms. The only clips I can find are pretty crappy.
  12. https://www.capfriendly.com/teams/sabres I wonder if they have a few signed in major junior that one site is counting and the other isn’t. edit: Savoie, Östlund, Bloom, Nadeau? And I love that autocorrect fixed Östlund’s name because I have no clue how to type that.
  13. What are a b and c?
  14. That’s not how it works. He has to sign a new deal. But anyway, they’re not going to give a contract to a 5th goalie unless it’s the doomsday scenario we’ve seen the last two years. Even with only 43 contracts right now, it’s not worth it to have less flexibility for any later moves this year. The only new goalie contracts are earmarked for Levi/Portillo in the spring.
  15. I was going to say that seeing a trio of rookies in a row there is nice. Apparently Rousek isn’t one though, but he may as well be. Houser does not have an nhl contract
  16. I think someone should try to convince her that he's trying to sign in Swaziland.
  17. Even better. Last year when he was sent to the minors, he went from Seattle to Charlotte.
  18. It figures that this is what happens when the game is aired on a station I don't have.
  19. It's funny, but the only thing I remember about Fitzpatrick at this point is that a year or two after he left, we were supposed to vote for him. And apparently he's now an elected official, so "vote for Rory" worked twice.
  20. Stop feeding it.
  21. Some call it fandom. Others call it masochism.
  22. Be careful, old man PA might thumbs down your post for pointing out chronic complainers.
  23. Ummm.... did you read the D pairings there? I'd think most would be pretty happy with them.
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