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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Did they actually have to challenge the two point conversion ruling the other day or was it automatic. I feel like that should fall under the scoring play rule if it wasn’t automatic.
  2. I assumed it was the equivalent of the deal Karmanos made last week (yes, I got that name right). I had no idea these are actually NHL players.
  3. He scored that many goals in one period the prior week just to be second star. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in that meeting room.
  4. I mean, when you put up 6 points in a game, one or two of them are bound to be at an important time. 😀 Also, when your goaltending is suspect, maybe all 6 can be timely.
  5. I can’t stand the guy any time I see him simply because of that movie.
  6. It’s going to vary from state to state, I assume. I bet the players are trained pretty hard by the league and the PA to let security handle it as much as possible.
  7. I can understand why someone from that area would have a bad taste in pizza. It’s absolute trash in Boston. If your best options are the chains, you’re screwed.
  8. Other than the perfect game last year, there can’t be any better way for the patriots to lose. I kind of want to listen to their radio stations right now.
  9. That’s not a line. 😄
  10. The game could still be ongoing next Friday if they went to sudden death.
  11. Not until just now.
  12. I’m waiting for Pi to chime in about some alternate reality where Singletary scores and then Bass slips on the kickoff.
  13. Did they stumble upon a bottomless source of natural gas too?
  14. My neighbor started going off about that PI call. I’m assuming he was drunk because I don’t know how anyone could seriously question that call.
  15. The problem is that when you have so many turds in the punch bowl, it has officially changed to a toilet.
  16. I’d say you just made those two words up, but there’s a decent beer by that name.
  17. For me it has nothing to do with avoiding getting pissed off. Certain people add absolutely nothing to a discussion and I like to weed that out the only way I can. It is easy enough to just skim right past those posts, but why not save a little space instead.
  18. They just traded the bottom of the barrel the other day. Swapped it out for a nice shiny new Cecconi.
  19. It certainly helps that the team has averaged 5 goals a game over that period. The one loss was, no surprise, was their worst scoring output (1 goal). He damn well better have at least 3 wins with that kind of support.
  20. I wasn’t able to turn on the game until the third period and I’m n out reading through all of this. What happened with Power?
  21. It just goes to show you how different the two leagues are. Thompson started his professional career about a year and a half before Allen, but he’s right around a year and a half younger than Allen. I’m too lazy to pinpoint exact dates, but it seems like those big breakthroughs happened at right around the same age.
  22. One person would be more missed than the other. I’m not naming names. 😀
  23. Thursday is over so I have to say it here. It’s so great when this place becomes unreadable because people continue to feed the trolls. completely meaningless thumbs down in 3…2…1…
  24. When I find this person who is making bets on how a team will be doing after 29 games, I will immediately wish him/her well with the future bankruptcy.
  25. It’s very easy to figure out why they’re so far back just by looking at their schedule and results. Locate a loss on that schedule and then look at the games immediately before and after that loss. You’ll find another loss. There are only two cases so far this season where one loss did not turn into a losing streak. If you want to be a playoff team, learn how to respond after a loss and don’t turn it into a downward spiral.
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