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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Granted it was the finals, but Nik Lidstrom played 4 full games with his.
  2. I would have expected some flames or something painted across the hood.
  3. The cutoff for the old category is 7 years older than me, my brother's age.
  4. The best path to a playoff slot is to just keep winning. The rest will take care of itself.
  5. I'd suggest that we keep this to the Bills thread. This one should be all about Hamlin.
  6. I would consider the neutral site game, but that other option about having the choice is the one that is way too gimmicky to me. But really, let's face it, that isn't a choice at all. It is essentially saying "hey top seed, you don't have home field anymore". But as for Smell's comment about going to Indy, I get the feeling they'd choose a place like Vegas. It's a perfect opportunity to bow to their new gambling overlords and it's also a location that really isn't all that convenient to anyone in the Buffalo/KC/Cincy grouping. Indy's a bit too close to Cincy and maybe KC (too lazy to figure out the scale of the map).
  7. It all feels a bit too gimmicky to me. First of all, crazy things can happen and the teams involved may wind up losing earlier than expected. That could completely wipe out either of those scenarios. Do you book a neutral site a few weeks in advance, maybe even sell some tickets, and then the game doesn't wind up happening? Just settle it by winning percentage and be done with it.
  8. @carpandean, that's all true, but what they do potentially impacts so many other teams as well. I don't know if there are many ties out there and how records shake out, but it could flop draft order somewhere down the line. I can't see them messing with any of that by creating an artificial result of a game. Here's another interesting angle. If that game didn't happen, do the stats still count? What if that WR misses a bonus by 1 TD or if some LB needed a certain number of tackles? Obviously everyone will put Hamlin first, but they would definitely fight that somewhere down the road.
  9. Inkman, is that you?
  10. It’s a half win basically. Take a look at the giants winning percentage. They are 9-6-1, which comes out to 0.594. 9.5/16=0.59375 Edit: Remove that tie and they are 9-6, which would be 0.6
  11. Good lord, it looks completely realistic that he tops his career year last year in just 50 games.
  12. Calling it a tie could potentially cause some issues with tie breakers and draft rankings. Conference records, strength of schedule… it changes all of those. They’re better off just removing the game and I do think that’s what they do.
  13. "Season ticket member" feels like a strange phrase.
  14. I get the feeling that anyone who actually does an interview is a bit more on the outside looking in. With that second-hand information from people who more than likely don't have a good understanding of every little step, the information blurs quickly. Didn't they already shoot down his comment about Hamlin being resuscitated a second time at the hospital?
  15. They’re going to have around 30 years worth of toys.
  16. That’s pretty much my thought too, a bang-bang very quick series of moments. But like I said about the players, I’m sure I could be off on what I remember too.
  17. Have teammates said he was taking to them? That looked a lot quicker than 5 seconds. If anyone mentioned taking to him it could very well be him be of those cases where they are in shock and don’t have a clear memory of exactly what happened.
  18. I left him a note on the receipt saying we never ordered the second one.
  19. I need a verdict on something. I was at a bar last night for the game and ordered a pretzel bite appetizer. It came with this giant vat of beer cheese. Once all the pretzels were gone, there was still at least half of the beer cheese left over. My friend joked with the waiter that we still had all this beer cheese and nothing to eat it with. He said he had us covered and would bring more pretzels, which he did. We didn't really want them, but the second they're brought out to us, hell yeah we're eating them. At the end of the night after my card had already been swiped, I noticed that he charged me for that second order of pretzel bites. My friend who made to comment was all apologetic and wanted to pay for them, but I didn't want to go through any hassle at that point, especially since everyone's all rattled from the game. Without that item, my tip would have been $6-$7, and the appetizer itself was $12. So I decided not to leave a tip. The rest of my table all left tips on their orders, so I don't feel like that waiter got stiffed in anyway. Am I wrong or a dick in this scenario? I hate not leaving a tip, but the guy clearly pulled a quick one on us. I do think it's important to note that with the second batch of pretzels, we did not receive any additional beer cheese. So what we were given was not the $12 appetizer. It was just the portion that probably costs less than a buck to produce.
  20. I have ordered two different jerseys, but it's been a couple years. I do remember a pretty long wait, but the end product is really good. They're making that jersey on the spot for you.
  21. I think the league is fine with being the villain if they can make two people out to be heroes.
  22. Those baseball pictures are only interesting if they wear those during the game.
  23. It really comes down to what Anderson wants. Does he want to play hockey or does he want to have his ass glued to a seat in the press box? The latter feels worse to me, but everyone is different.
  24. NU
  25. I can’t see there being any Anderson interest out there. I could see him floated through waivers at some point and sent to Rochester.
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