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Everything posted by shrader

  1. We’re on a flight path for Ft Bragg so we have a lot of interesting stuff fly over the house. Fortunately they never hover. My personal favorite was the convoy of c130s (at least 13 of them) flying over in a line on Election Day in 2020. If it actually was a so called training exercise, they picked the worst possible day.
  2. Constantly relying on a medium with a character limit leads to these stupid things… and many others
  3. He very obviously didn't give a ***** while on the ice here.
  4. Driving my wife and son to the airport this morning and seeing two helicopters hovering over the runway… that’s not a comforting sight.
  5. Dahlin and Power need to keep the trend alive. As for Mogilny, just find the non-Hall of famers on this list: https://records.nhl.com/records/skater-records/goals/skater-most-goals-one-season
  6. One more year in junior, then a mid-season call up followed by a full year with the big club. I think you're in trouble.
  7. Looking good? A season and a quarter over all of 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26? Both sides look completely reasonable to me at this point.
  8. I miss Doug Marrone. Oh wait, I mean I miss Gregg Williams.
  9. I just saw a commercial for a service where you can get your dog genotyped. Seriously, america? Are we really this f’n stupid. But hey, there was a code to save $40. So that just means that this service costs a ***** load more than $40.
  10. People love to fall for the trolls here all the time. Fortunately it looks like they know the difference between trolls and whatever you want to call these spam fishers.
  11. Ok, it wasn’t just one thread
  12. Don't click it. Don't post in it.
  13. I know it'll be gone any second now, but yikes, how did that thread make it through?
  14. The uncontrollable temper leads to some problems though.
  15. Some day I want to see a lineman cause a scene like this.
  16. We're what, a year and a half in? I don't know if I'm ready to call that one. Eichel's got a lot of life left to live with that repaired neck and hopefully there aren't any/many long-term effects from that surgery and playing hockey after it.
  17. Is he though? I doubt that changing the way rules are enforced during the playoffs is something that ever crosses the commissioner's desk.
  18. I love the booing because he's self aware and leans into it.
  19. Close to a billion dollars. No one should ever ask why Gary Bettman continues to have a job.
  20. With everything the league has done over the years to keep that team there, it just seems odd that they would suddenly hold a gun to the head of a guy who tried to work with them.
  21. The only screwup in the most recent draft was allowing Vegas to be exempt. Tied for the best record in the league and they’re not forced to lose a player like everyone else. Total BS.
  22. I don’t want to call it nothing. 241 points over 470 games is a respectable career. We just happened to draft 2 of the 4 big winners out of that round of the draft.
  23. Why would the coyote owner agree to this? It sounds illegal.
  24. Well that’s less fun
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