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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I can't go so far to say that it's the smart move. There is a risk associated with taking that shorter deal. I'd also think that getting that money into the smart guys hands as early as possible, they can balance out the couple extra million they may be able to make after gambling on the shorter deal.
  2. I thought I heard that Fantasy Island closed but apparently it lives on in here.
  3. Now we watch and see who is the surprising player that gets traded out of Columbus in the next few weeks.
  4. Is any other team in this event able to throw 5 first round picks out there? And the crazy thing is that they also have Östlund unavailable.
  5. Who are the players wearing letters. I caught maybe the last two minutes of last night’s game and did see that one was Metsa.
  6. Tuch will be an interesting one to watch. With Celebrini coming in you may see a big jump in his numbers. That doesn’t mean to go out of your way to get him, but I could see a big increase in his stock after this season. Just look what an elite freshman did for Evan Rodrigues.
  7. One player is a trend?
  8. I'm not even sure it's skepticism. -Random player/players say something to Bissonnette about not liking an interaction between Jenner and Babcock. -Jenner has no problem whatsoever about said interaction. -What more is there really to say at this point?
  9. I heard a handful of quotes from a few of their players who had nothing but good things to say about the whole thing. It was mostly a "that's your family? hey, here's mine" sort of thing. Whatever people think of Babcock, I don't really feel like Bissonnette is someone I'm turning to for just about anything.
  10. None of this means that the person actually complained about it. The suit says that the person shared a conversation that he had. None of that comes off as a complaint to me but more of a "hey, wait until you here what this guy said". I'm still catching up on the rest of the posts here, but the meetings you're talking about with Pegula should be a completely different event than this 40 media member zoom call. Pegula's not on that call. Whenever he came off looking badly (which I also vaguely remember some comments about), it's not the same thing.
  11. I’ve lost track of when that initial conversation happened. Regardless, we’re now three years removed from the zoom call and two degrees of separation. Whatever he said, the quote has warped a bit at this point. If it was so offensive why hasn’t the actual person complained? Pegula had a full conversation with someone. That person then later has a whole dialogue with another group, from which Trotter picks out one line. Context gets clouded not once, but twice. I have a hard time putting much if any weight behind something like that. But that’s how we do everything these days, cherry picking whatever we’d like.
  12. Two years after the fact, he may very well have phrased it your way… or something else completely different. Someone mentioned earlier kids playing telephone. Now just imagine that game going on for 2 years.
  13. Why do they have to be cash poor in order to look for cash?
  14. Climbing into the stands and attempting to stab a fan with a skate? Oops, wrong team.
  15. Ullmark
  16. And then we have American pro sports, which apparently don't fall under the label of "just about every place on earth".
  17. I don't know a thing about Trotter, but I don't believe it was his intention to go after Pegula at all here. It's the media who jumped all over one small portion of the legal documents and threw Pegula under the bus. He's not the one out there writing these headlines, the only thing that the majority of people out there actually read. That belittles Trotter's case as well, making it all about Pegula instead.
  18. Remove the limit. I need more references from K9 that I am clueless about.
  19. You’re supposed to be sympathetic towards a harm when someone is dragging your name through the mud to support their claim. I don’t know many who are going to be able to get past that. And quite honestly, I think the response from Pegula is much more aimed at the headlines and stories yesterday than it is at Trotter.
  20. Whoever had the conversation with Pegula. I suppose that identity is known to the 40 (was that the right number) on that call.
  21. Add a zero to that figure, please.
  22. Has it ever actually been stated that Trotter filed the original complaint? Either way, it just seems crazy to me that there can even be much to investigate at that point. You’re two years removed from what looks to be a one-on-one conversation. Your just as likely to find out which magazine article Terry was reading while sitting on the can that day.
  23. But we want the geese to stay in Canada.
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