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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I was shocked to see that he was 58 years old. I guess he's been retired for quite a while now, but I pretty much watched that guy play for my entire life... and I'm in my 40s.
  2. Or how about how the stores by me have had their Halloween decorations on clearance for a couple weeks already and the Christmas stuff is out?
  3. Mark Wahlberg is a no talent hack... oh wait, what are we talking about here?
  4. I can't even imagine how depressing that "oh what could have been" attitude has to be for jets fans right now.
  5. The real test for Benson starts this week. Any game time moving forward is going to be against a mostly full NHL roster. At the very worst, its mostly NHL players and then some of those AAAA guys mentioned earlier. It's much closer to the real thing than they've seen at any point so far.
  6. Yeah, but as Hot Tub Time Machine taught us, it can blow up in your face.
  7. That and Josh should know better than to ever say “Buffalo wings” in that video. If they want to pay you to do that, demand the correction.
  8. The other two teams had a pair of already established first ballot hall of famers leading their forwards, nevermind any of the other hall of famers on the roster. That’s all I’m getting at. St Louis was a bit of a surprise. Pittsburgh and Chicago were juggernauts.
  9. Does 100% exist in the nfl?
  10. I didn’t watch last week. With that strong d-line in Washington, we’re the Bills bringing in more protection packages. That could explain less from Kincaid.
  11. It's going to have to be the Blues model because those two other teams were mini-dynasties (yeah, I'll make up that term for now). But on another note, I hope he does start out like those three... but then continues on that same path for his entire career.
  12. Maybe the true victim of the incident complained... the bus driver.
  13. Of course Vegas goes with that theme in their pricing.
  14. I’m amazed that @DarthEbriate has never corrected the spelling of that username.
  15. If it wasn’t for the green field I would have thought I was watching on a black and white tv.
  16. It does look like Sakic is the only one. Maybe Don sneaks in. The closest option was Modano if not for his disaster of a final season with Detroit.
  17. There’s a big difference between checks and allowing two guys to bare fist punch each other in the face. He’ll even boxers wear gloves.
  18. Not the two cities part though. You need someone from a relocated franchise and I’m having trouble thinking of anyone else. There aren’t many career Jets or Whalers. I don’t know that Shane Doan will ever make that list.
  19. Well there’s plenty more for #1, everyone here should be able to get that guy named Perreault.
  20. Yeah, you missed the d so I had to make a dumb joke.
  21. “Disban”… that that mean they’re required to stay in the league forever?
  22. A random Joe Sakic reference this morning got me thinking about one. I don't know the answer but it might be fun to research. 1. How many hall of famers played their entire career with one team? 2. How many of those played in more than one city? I also wonder if the WHA could complicate the question. If someone played in the WHA and then just one NHL team, would you count that for #1? I'm not sure if anyone even did that since guys like Howe and Hull wound up playing with that same WHA team post merger.
  23. That is one I have never understood. Do they cancel out the penalty because they somehow thing you've been given a huge advantage in being able to pull the goalie? You are able to pull the goalie because the other team cannot touch the puck, not because there's a penalty. I'd be ok with voiding the penalty if there was a rule stating that the team with the delayed penalty cannot be awarded a goal under any circumstances (ie. the team with the pulled goalie screwed up and put it in their own net).
  24. That’s really not the best person to post a picture of when you’re talking about metal.
  25. Whatever station I’m watching Seinfeld on right now just ran an ad for Jerry Springer, weekdays at noon. He’s dead.
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