Maybe I’m just a curmudgeon, but watching that replay in what is basically a playoff game… get into the end zone before you celebrate.
Don’t worry, I’m not too angry.
They lost the lottery for Ovechkin and had to “settle” for Malkin. If they had landed Ovechkin, they would have had lesser odds in the Crosby lottery coming out of the lockout. So who knows how the balls fall if they had Ovechkin instead.
That was one hell of a consolation prize right there. Outside of Crosby, that draft was incredibly weak. Settling for the second best hall of famer one year, helping you luck your way into one of the best who ever lived the following year… sign me up please.
If the bills win the division they are the 2 seed and KC the 3. So you’d have 1-2-3 and someone else in the second round. 2-3 always play each other no matter who the 4th team would be.