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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Does he have any big time movie role that didn’t die?
  2. Ahhh crap, not Carl Weathers😢
  3. I’m not sure if I should even mention who I thought it said the Kings hired when I first saw the headline.
  4. I just heard a stat that Edmonton was perfect in January and did not gain any ground on Vancouver. The canucks played 2 extra games, but that's pretty crazy.
  5. Yard stick
  6. Are we seriously back to the point of using the reaction button as a dick measuring contest?
  7. Yeah, because it probably wasn’t an elbow. It’s blatant head hunting and deserving of a suspension still, but that definitely looks he makes contact with his shoulder/upper arm. That follow through raising up the arm? It doesn’t matter. But that audio is very disturbing if he was in fact talking about this play. The dude’s not even human if he’s showing that little concern about another player. I’d love to see the union do something since they’re supposed to actually care about their players.
  8. I really hope that is some old video taken out of context. If he actually said that in response to his penalty, the league should use it to throw the book at him.
  9. I hate it even more when I’m on foot, so that’s usually in parking lots. Car, you’re going to clear out of my way much faster than I’ll be out of yours. Just go and everyone’s being more efficient.
  10. It means you’re human.
  11. He took his ball and went home… yet again. But anyway, I’m glad that McKenzie mentioned just how well Celebrini has taken the ball and run with it. His production at his age in the NCAA is very impressive. Why did BU start getting these guys immediately after I left the area?
  12. Everyone knows that the missed field goal is exactly how Reid drew it up. That was the culmination of yet another coaching masterpiece.
  13. If they the lower body surgery that was joked about here, I wonder who performs the first cup check.
  14. Would anyone like to place a bet on how Shane Pinto will perform now that he’s returning to Ottawa?
  15. I knew the college players really well at that point because it was essentially my life.
  16. They traded Ballard before he even played a single game. That was a part of a three way deal that landed Drury. Was he really a bad draft pick?
  17. They took Ballard with their own pick. The one from the Hasek trade wound up being traded to move up and take Dan Paille.
  18. Swift dumping Kelce on live tv and jumping into a love triangle with Josh Allen and Kate Bishop… that would make for some great tv for the tmz crowd.
  19. They burned the 25 games in hand that they had? Yikes.
  20. The point is that it’s a strange standard to apply to all trades. They’re not all made today. The gold standard has to be Nieuwendyk for Iginla. Calgary didn’t get better from that deal, only adding 14 points over 31 games. But not teams won that deal: a cup for a long hall of fame career. So clearly we know what this talk branched off from. It’s not a good deal but there’s still so much to be written with the two key pieces still in place and very early in their careers. So bad today, but it doesn’t approach the worst of all time label, particularly when you’re talking about a team that got absolutely nothing in return for the greatest goalie who ever set foot on the earth (hey, I can counter hyperbole with some of my own).
  21. So in describing the purpose of trades, we want to exclude a large portion of trades that are made? Seems fair. As I said, I’m not talking about that trade.
  22. The Jets? Now that would be hilarious given what he did to them when he jumped to New England.
  23. Data? So do you think all those player for draft pick deals at each deadline, both teams are expecting immediate impact?
  24. I’m going to talk about trades in general and not that specific trade. There are very few trades that occur where both teams are trying to add immediate help.
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