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Everything posted by shrader

  1. So he’s supposed to go back and time and make the deal instead? Those player for first round picks were not happening. Not here, not anywhere. Not today, not a week ago. Those are the kind of trades that happen at the trade deadline. When not a single trade of this type is made anywhere across the league, we really need to stop making this into a Buffalo thing. People need to stop buying into the click bait from the talking heads.
  2. I was going to comment on that. The euro first round picks typically head over right away, at least the ones taken this early.
  3. There are plenty of other things they can trade. Look at all those players moved around the league during this first round. It was never happening. I have no idea why this surprises people every single year.
  4. They didn’t make a trade that was never going to happen. Doomed!
  5. Lindy is an international treasure
  6. And how many people have their announcement thread all lined up?
  7. Commercial before Buffalo. The tradition lives!
  8. Wasn’t there chatter in recent days that the Philly pick was in play?
  9. All that delay for a one pick swap?
  10. The same guy they’ll get at 14.
  11. If you can get the kid who is supposed to be the best goal scorer in the draft at that pick, I’d take it. That makes me think of the Quinn pick a few years back. He had that goal scorer hype among that draft.
  12. She stopped for a bit after the second pick. I thought someone got in her ear and said to stop. But whatever, I miss when they would just take the TSN feed. This broadcast is high school level.
  13. I spoke too soon.
  14. I look forward to Utah picking a name. That jersey is incredibly boring.
  15. She has a thing for drama, apparently
  16. Awkward interviewer has stopped fondling the teenagers. So that’s a plus.
  17. Iginla looks like he could get the Jagr mullet going with a little more growth in the back.
  18. This woman doing the interviews is ridiculously awkward. She needs to stop touching people.
  19. Next year
  20. That talk, it’s all born out of click bait. We see this every single year.
  21. Those are deadline deals. Let’s revisit this tomorrow morning and see how many of the deals you’re describing happen tonight. I’ll gladly admit I’m wrong if more than even one happens.
  22. You know I don’t speak Spanish.
  23. Take a look at the last few years around the league. The building for today’s team doesn’t happen this weekend. The bulk of it happens July 1st and beyond, both through free agency and the trades. A vet minimum signing today isn’t even a speed bump in their work process. Today and tomorrow, fans around the league are going to be very underwhelmed.
  24. Unless the scouts are suddenly the ones negotiating contracts, this doesn’t take a thing away from draft prep.
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