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Everything posted by shrader

  1. It’s down under the burners though, not very accessible.
  2. There’s nothing better than heading out to fire up your grill and finding a possum in there.
  3. What was it, a quarter of the game day roster? The odds are pretty good.
  4. People have been googling symptoms for a lot longer than 2 years.
  5. Hey, leave my wife out of this! I keep telling her to stop doing that (she doesn’t bring it to the doctor though). The same thing always tells you that you either have a pulled muscle or late stage cancer.
  6. I'm always amazed at just how stupid sports talk radio can be, in this case, espn. I've caught some of the whining about Lebron James and his kid lately. When met with the complaints about how the kid never would have been drafted if he wasn't Lebron's son, the hosts are programmed to respond with "no one would even be talking about this draft pick if he wasn't Lebron's son". So in other words, they are countering the complaint with the same exact thing. "Two plus two isn't four. Two plus two is four."
  7. I don't like throwing numbers around, but I'll just say "very significant growth".
  8. Alone? Probably not. But all of the moves together, things look a lot better.
  9. I lean towards the idea that Washington had no interest in moving him. It had to get to the point of an offer that finally breaks them.
  10. I don't think was the surgery itself as much as it was being the one who would green light the surgery.
  11. Interesting. Ages ago I went to school with the Erie county deputy commissioner of highways. I wonder what leads one to that position.
  12. But do we see two 20 goal seasons and 182 points from Rosen over the next 4 years? I’m still not sure we see any NHL time there just yet.
  13. I need to start saving all the stupid ones. I could start a website similar to the people of Walmart. This thunderstorm one has to be the best one I’ve ever seen though. It is now full of great sarcastic responses now, which is even better.
  14. I wish they could separate it from the school side of things at this point. There are mercenaries who are not there for the scholarship they're handed, so why force those few to actually go and take up class spots from someone else.
  15. It's even more fun when she is starting to get very close to sleeping through the night... but then this issue happens and she's awake every hour.
  16. My 5 month old is having some stomach issues and as a result is waking up at least once per hour overnight. It’s a blast. And in another note, contractors installing a pool have completely blocked the entrance to my neighborhood. There is another way out, but I’m so tempted to call the police on this one since it’s a big safety issue. You don’t realize it’s blocked u too you turn, so you then have to back out blindly. And it’s not like they’re just quickly unloading something, they’ve stored the trailer there for the day.
  17. Does anyone with a ring door bell ever read what people post in their ap? It has to be a collection of the biggest idiots on the face of the earth. Just a few minutes ago while in the middle of a major thunderstorm that was firing off lightning bolts at a machine gun pace, this gem pops up on my phone: ”Thunder or gun shot? Did anyone hear that?”
  18. I'm on the opposite side here. Winnipeg-Arizona-Utah is the history and today's Jets are a completely different team. This thing about being a brand new franchise just starting today is complete BS. They need to relinquish all those players and prospects if they're new.
  19. For what it's worth, Adam Fox did not go to free agency. He was traded twice, but he did sign with the Rangers in May. His situation does make me wonder about the whole loyalty thing though. He was traded a couple times. Yes, that was due to not wanting to play in Calgary/Carolina, but trades really change that whole loyalty discussion.
  20. The whole no income tax thing in Tampa Bay sure does make things easier.
  21. Yeah, it's those mid to late round college guys who have no realistic chance of turning pro early who are typically going to be the ones to go that route. I'm always a bit surprised when a guy like Ryan Johnson goes down to the wire but then signs before free agency. We don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but when you're that close, I would think you'd want to at least see your options.
  22. Every player can do this if they really want. The downside is that they have to wait 4 years and forego a lot of money to do so. It also delays that second contract where the price tag is no longer limited. It will be different for everyone, but i don’t think it is worth it for the first round guys.
  23. He would be a free agent at that point, not back in the draft. But whatever, it’s the same to Winnipeg either way.
  24. It’s an AHL contract so he can’t be called up. He’d have to sign a new deal with Buffalo.
  25. Any relation to the Jets' GM?
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