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Everything posted by shrader

  1. He is currently a free agent.
  2. At first I read that as Mr Brownstone.
  3. Ahhh now we’ve really opened the can of worms. I just deleted a bunch of stuff I typed because it winds up being very circular and contradictory.
  4. Are they given an exception for the european trip where they don't have to waive any of the Rosek/Bryson/Gilbert/Clague/Reimers of the roster?
  5. I love the way the NFL keeps their stats. I just stumbled my way into mathematically the greatest Bills QB of all time. Matt Cassel played a single snap with the team and has a 1-0 record. Good luck topping that one, any other QB out there.
  6. I feel like all of those things can be true at the same time.
  7. Those few fan shots last night of the people wearing Lawrence wigs had to have been one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. It’s like going to a Batman movie and dressing up like Arnold’s Mr. Freeze.
  8. And just think, Monday night football gets to follow up this level of WB perfection with Will Levi’s vs. whoever Miami throws out there next week.
  9. Ha, you think I’m complaining? I love these cruise control second half’s. Like I said earlier, I’d gladly watch them every week.
  10. Maybe Josh will have to play in the second half again at some point so he can have a 300 yard game.
  11. It’s a shame the rest won’t be. But I’ll pay that price every single week if I can.
  12. This reminds me of the New England playoff game.
  13. If I wanted to watch the bungles game I’d switch channels.
  14. And check out the replay again. Tosses the ball and then quickly realizes “hey wait, first career TD.”
  15. Cook is going to steal the mvp at this rate. Imagine his TD numbers if he plays the second half.
  16. I never understood those has however many years ago it was. I still don’t now.
  17. How about the v-shaped cut outs and the size label on the waist?
  18. Are they screen printing those breakaway ones? That’s an absolutely abysmal development of the last few years.
  19. Under contract? Yes (maybe not for long). In the league? No.
  20. I’m an authentic jersey guy, but those days are officially done
  21. Same here. No one got the memo that the depth chart goes from #10 and skips straight to 12.
  22. Hire Torts. Then we’ll know for sure.
  23. And Jaromir Jagr played his last NHL game in 2017-2018 but still isn’t retired. You do know that people can play profession hockey outside of the NHL, right? 52 years old, by the way. Who does he think he is, Gordie Howe?
  24. There’s only 4 guys there with NHL contracts. That’s your NHL/AHL split right there.
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