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Everything posted by shrader

  1. To be fair, the Devils changed coached 3 times per season while Lou was running the show. Even the fans had no idea who was coaching that team.
  2. You need the Mitch godfather portrait from Old School.
  3. Alfred Hitchcock
  4. I'm only taking that chance if he lingers on the market for a couple days and starts to listen on 2-3 year deals.
  5. His production is way down this season, in a year where league scoring has spiked significantly. That's one hell of a red flag. I wonder how much trouble he'll have on the market.
  6. Something's off there. You only be called up on emergency basis as a defenseman if the team currently has less that 6 healthy. I wonder if there may be a case where Tennyson is around but not technically recalled to the roster, some chain of paper transactions or something.
  7. Tennyson was called up after him, correct? How exactly is he called up and healthy scratched all while Borgen is on emergency recall?
  8. Honestly, I think it's been pretty good other than the constant dismissing of interesting posts because "I said so". I just assume it's the classic english spelling of 12pm.
  9. Nitpick alert since you do it all the time: No one is two words, not one. I figure that this comment is as valuable as the last page or so of ridiculousness in this thread.
  10. So you're saying that Dundon's attempt to shame the NFL/NFLPA into helping them out went nowhere? That guy comes across as more and more clueless every time I hear a comment from him. Even with the team's recent play, I can't see the Hurricanes staying in Carolina longterm with this guy at the helm.
  11. All I can think of now is Scotty and his "I'm giving it all she's got, captain". So who is he talking to?
  12. Luckily that fad seemed to die off a bit this year. There were too many years where the "fun" joke was to make a fake story about some random famous person dying. I don't know where exactly the line is for those so called pranks, but fake death announcements was way over it.
  13. I was a bit surprised at how seamlessly Simon was able to keep his rant going at first. Once he paused, he lost his flow the rest of the way, but at first it seemed like he's definitely been thinking on this one for a while.
  14. The two western schools are going to be the better hope for some life out of the crowd. UMASS and PC are somewhat close, but the size of the fanbase is going to be dwarfed by the other two.
  15. Without even watching the clip... Smithers, have the Rolling Stones killed!
  16. Well this one’s a thriller
  17. The team fell off the cliff much earlier than that. They were done the second they lost to Toronto after the streak. I think I that was the third loss in a row, the heartbreaking last second OT loss. That was the very moment they quit.
  18. He signed 4 days after the lottery. If anyone want to use that to support the previous theory, good luck to them.
  19. Considering the fact that Erod signed a month before Eichel was drafted, that’s a hell of a lot of influence that Jack already had.
  20. It comes with the position too. Goalie and QB are probably the toughest positions in sports when it comes to getting crapped on if you're not performing up to par.
  21. The team has missed the playoffs for 8 straight seasons now. Eichel has been here for 4. He's not the common denominator. Eichel and McDavid have a combined 8 seasons in the NHL and only 1 playoff appearance. It's a sad waste.
  22. Exactly, if they do in fact want him playing in the playoffs (which is now obvious), he should be given some time to gel a bit with the other Amerks.
  23. It's also a motivational thing too. It's good for the heads of these players to know that they've actually been rewarded for how they've played. You're essentially dangling the carrot a little closer to their face, they've gotten closer to reaching their goal.
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