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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I don't know why, but the bolded line got a big laugh from me. As for the rest and reading up on phase 4. Good luck with that. They have not announced a thing yet about any films that will follow Spiderman. I wonder if some interesting storyline driving moment may happen there and they want to keep it completely off the radar until the movie is released.
  2. Or none of it happens at all.
  3. There's also potentially the translation issue, which the author acknowledged.
  4. It's funny, I didn't even notice the scene we're talking about right now. But anyway... They certainly seem to be building her up quite a bit. She kicked the crap out of Thanos. I wonder if they ever do try to work in the X-Men if she would wind up being the vehicle for that.
  5. Brawndo left out the second part of the NHLPA's statement: "Good luck, but we're not touching that one with a 20 foot pole."
  6. @..., you started out by saying that Loki is back. But then later you say that all of the changes create their own universe. I’m on board with that, which means Loki isn’t actually back. He exists in his own parallel timeline now thanks to this movie. That same thing happens with Cap too. He lived a full life with Peggy Carter in another separate time line. He can’t live that full life with her without completely changing everything, particularly anything hydra related. “Honey, you know that shield group you formed? Yeah, most of them are actually hydra.” so he’s in that parallel universe and must have used pym particles to get back there at the end. What i I really want to know is what was the wrong choice that the Ancient One made previously. I’d like for it to be something more than just not handing the stone to Banner in a previous time loop.
  7. I suppose that the earlier stuff about how the Pegula-run team (ie. the one with NHL ties) is the model organization would play into that. Still, I don't really see why the NHL itself would have much interest in starting one of their own. You're taking a very niche market within and already niche sport. That's an incredibly tough starting point.
  8. It's amazing how a simple little thing like watching a national championship win there can give one a much more pleasant view of an arena. The only thing I can even think of when that arena comes to mind is a slow motion shot of this goal floating over the goalie's shoulder. I doubt I'll ever go back and I can live with that.
  9. I still don't know what we can really take away from that, whether we're talking about the juniors or the world championships. Either way, it's an all star team that isn't going to be built in the same way that an NHL would. I won't go as far as to say it's just like saying Marv Levy could coach hockey since he's proven to be a good coach, but we are definitely dealing with a very different game in your comparison. With the very limited information we have on these guys, I would put Gronborg as the #3 option. It just seems like the most uphill of the 3 battles. But I'll willingly admit that this opinion is about as informed as 5 year old at a quantum physics conference.
  10. That is the message at the beginning and ending of their full statement. But when the biggest portion of that same statement focuses on the money, I think it becomes pretty obvious what they're really getting at.
  11. I was going to say that it's impossible that he surpassed Bartolo Colon on that scale (pun intended?), but I never realized how much taller CC is.
  12. I'd love to do a tour like that someday. It won't be easy though. For all the love Fenway gets, those newer stadiums really floored me. I was in both St. Louis and Detroit shortly after they opened and I'll take a game in those places any day over Fenway. Seats that actually face the game? What a scientific breakthrough! Those Fenway seats pointed directly out to CF did pay off for me once. Their concert setup has the stage in CF, so last September for Pearl Jam worked out well.
  13. This topic popped into my head this morning. I thought it could be an interesting one. Which sports venues have you been to? I'm thinking mainly the big 4, but feel free to throw in any other sports or colleges you'd like. I'm going to list college hockey since I've been to a bunch. NHL (8): Buffalo (Aud), Buffalo (KBC), Boston, St. Louis, Denver, MSG, Washington, Detroit (JLA) NFL (3): Buffalo, Miami, Detroit (granted, it was for a hockey game) MLB (5): Fenway, St. Louis, Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore College hockey (14): BU (x2), BC, Northeastern, Providence, UNH, Maine, UMASS Lowell, Dartmouth, Yale, Brown, Harvard, Denver, Niagara Edit: I've also been to a bunch of AHL arenas, but not for AHL games. Editx2: I supposed I've also been in some bouncyball arenas, but only for hockey games.
  14. They had the issue a few years ago where they were trying to get greater compensation for, I believe it was the world championship. I thought that was a USA hockey issue, but either way, that should be completely separate from the league. I have no issue with them trying to make more. That's basic human nature and everyone wants that. It seems like most here are all on the same page with this one. They're severely miscalculating with this move. The interest isn't there. Their timing is also horrible. With all the reshuffling coming from the one league shutting down, this league has was too much to sort out at the moment. It probably would have been better to let that dust settle.
  15. They have a 16 game season. I don’t mean to put down the amount of work they put into a season, but I have a hard time picturing 16 games as a huge time commitment. There’s zero that is anyone’s primary occupation. They want more and that’s fine, but they’re going to have to expect a significantly larger commitment in order to get that return. As you’re suggesting, they’re a long way away from hockey being their primary source of income. And if there are a few in the league where that is the case, well good luck to them. That’s an incredibly shaky financial situation right there.
  16. Step 1: Get the NHL take control of the league Step 2: Demand a portion of NHL revenues as opposed to just NWHL revenues It's a recipe for disaster. The only thing this approach leads to is the NHL staying out of it completely.
  17. DeGrom should try this so that people will stop whining about him winning the Cy Young with a 10-9 record.
  18. And in honor of national password day, I think we should all share the passwords for our bank accounts. Whoever is the wealthiest around here, I suggest you start.
  19. Jones, Daniel All it takes is one team to completely sink any version of the pre-draft rankings. Sure, it's a different sport, but it's very fresh in the mind and we can find countless examples across each league. The first hockey one coming to my mind would be Thomas Hickey, but that probably jumps out due to the team that drafted him.
  20. And how do you get 31 owners to sign off on that one. Why would most of the owners in cities without a team care one bit about this?
  21. This edit's more appropriate
  22. National day of reason? I guess we have to shut this place down for the day.
  23. And it's not like there are many other models to follow. Is there anything beyond the WNBA? I can't imagine anyone around here has the slightest clue of how they have things setup (but I do see that they have a CBA).
  24. When you choose not to work with a specific company, is that really a boycott? I suppose it's more of an attempted strike,
  25. Why is this think locked, then unlocked, then locked again? Are we handing the key to just about anyone now?
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