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Everything posted by shrader

  1. We take everything from their football team, might as well take from the hockey team too.
  2. All Richie all the time.
  3. Dudacek posted that entire order.? I just mean that I didn't read it so I don't know if he goes on to justify any of it.
  4. I've never seen anything that lists Hughes as high as where the Pronman list had him. Granted, I don't have a subscription so I haven't read any of it. I'm calling my shot right now. Ottawa drafts him and Melnyk immediately announces that he's going to start a forensic analysis of said skate incident. Meanwhile, Matt Cooke continues to roam free.
  5. Me personally? I'd like to see something a bit more than just a one year band-aid job.
  6. Is that what it is? All I saw was a screen shot with a partial link.
  7. And other guys on that list are just now turning pro, kind of like what Nylander should have been doing (and on the same note, Thompson as well).
  8. I have absolutely no clue what I'm looking at there.
  9. The players have just as much of a role in all of that as well. Would you want to negotiate and sign to work in one city, only to find out that you're instead working somewhere completely different? A lot of people are not going to go with this option. Both player and team are going to lean towards the case where there is more certainty. They want more control over their situation. I feel like that's basic human nature right there.
  10. I want them to somehow get that Hoglander guy just for the name alone. I picture a cartoon pig getting into sword fights, a perfect fit for the Sabres. There can be only one.
  11. What’s the difference between trading with Toronto and trading with Tampa? If proximity and so called rivalry make that much of a difference, this business is ridiculous.
  12. It's an odd visual, looking out my front door at a contractor's vehicle parked in front of a fire hydrant all day, right next to a cop car.
  13. Have you seen the spiderman trailer with endgame spoilers? I think it opens the door they’ll use to have X-Men in thre mcu, granted it’ll be a new cast. So the wife is out of town so I decided to see Dark Phoenix. It was not the train wreck I expected it to be. Passable movie. It needed more Magneto though. My main issue with it is that it’s tough to do a Jean Grey story when we’re not the least bit invested in this incarnation of the character.
  14. Like a Batman movie in crime alley, I'm pretty sure all X-Men movies start in the concentration camp.
  15. I move for a bad court thingy.
  16. Would they be required to hand over any of those documents? That seems unnecessary, especially for a civil case, but I have no idea how those things work.
  17. So does the guy actually have one of the glasses on him? Hard to prove anything without that
  18. Speaking of the age thing, that right there is why the movies can’t be in the same universe, even if they say it. First Class was in the 60s. Deadpool is present day, due to the pop culture references. That takes the never aging thing to a whole new level. Marvel is almost definitely going to go the route of multiverse with all this. It’s the only way to tie things in.
  19. The timeline of those movies is so beyond screwed up. Deadpool can't possibly fit into any of it. That's why they keep it as a mostly independent entity. That's exactly what I think they'll stick with. They'll eventually somehow roll in some new X-Men into the MCU, but Deadpool will continue on as it's own separate thing. The absolutely hilarious thing about this new wave of X-Men movie is that each of them is supposed to take place a decade after the last. So now we're up to around a 30 year window where no one has aged even slightly. They could just create movies without any reference to the year, but no, they went out of their way to pin them to historical moments.
  20. I really wish they hadn't included the brief cameo in the second movie. Otherwise, there'd be nothing you could use to even say those movies are a shared universe. It should be interesting to see when Disney completely purges the X-Men universe but keeps Deadpool going.
  21. I realize it's very loosely tied in, but I don't think Deadpool should be included on that list. Those movies are as independent from the rest as possible.
  22. You're on the right track, but think bigger... think of the biggest villains in the entire sports world
  23. From what I hear, Buffalo fans should be very happy with the ending.
  24. It would be an incredibly weird look if they don't get it done after all these comments. It almost makes me wonder if they're just messing with people's heads at this point.
  25. Someone needs to create an innuendo hall of fame. Whitesnake would be a first ballot inductee.
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