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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Clearly something more is in the works. with all those D.
  2. I accidentally clicked on that last week. I haven't tried it again since.
  3. Be sure to check in the mirror for any sharpie shenanigans.
  4. Might I add that when half of your posts state that you're leaving and never coming back, it tends to grate on people.
  5. Wait, we're not talking about Spiderman's wife?
  6. That's my immediate thought to all of this. I don't care much about what the other teams are thinking. I want to know what the player is thinking.
  7. Sweet, the fan in Carolina can continue to get worked up by the comments of someone he's never heard of.
  8. I cringe at the nicknames in general. The only one I would accept is if we sign Dzingel and people decide to call him berry.
  9. Just like I cringe when I see a baseball or football player wear #99, I am now cringing at that use of "MJ".
  10. Bonus points to her for using the right blue.
  11. We’re lucky, there aren’t very many trees since it’s a new neighborhood. The house across from us did lose their sidewalk tree though. I was out driving during that storm. It wasn’t fun. All the power was out by Walmart so that intersection was a nightmare. The combination of no traffic lights and zero visibility isn’t great.
  12. We're hosting my mom and my neighbor's mom for a 4th of July thing later today. My town does their fireworks practically across the street from my house on the 5th each year. Thanks to those particular guests, I may need to get fall down drunk.
  13. Do you really have to kick a man in the nut when he’s down?
  14. And then there are the children who manufacture the hats.
  15. I doubt I’ve had 71 hot dogs total over the past ten years. And I’m not saying that as someone who hates hot dogs either. I’ll gladly throw a couple on the grill when the wife isn’t home at dinner time.
  16. What if you get to tie him to the goal posts and let the goalies continuously run him? I’d oh to watch that.
  17. Do we really need to throw that word in the mix?
  18. They think it's bad up there? Just think of the carriage horses down south. But hey, the ones in Charleston, SC get beer each day.
  19. My guess is that Carolina actually would have preferred a bridge deal. That fits their MO perfectly.
  20. But were we paying attention in some of those earlier years to see whether or not this was happening? Blake Wheeler did all the way back in 2008, but I'm guessing many aren't even aware of it. They were also operating under different rules in the past, specifically the so called Van Ryn loophole, which they closed in that 2004-05 lockout. As I said earlier in the thread, this current practice was planned for and is specifically addressed in the CBA. The teams may not be crazy about it, but there needs to be some level of leeway given to the players. If you want to take that away, ok, but be prepared for even worse fallout than 2004-05.
  21. Is it though? It's tough to quantify this one because google isn't really helping me on this one. We're aware of it since it hit us twice recently, but only one of those was really ours since we were dumb enough to trade for one who already said he was going that route. So we've had 1 draft pick out of the 15 post-lockout drafts go this route (granted its too early for a handful of those drafts). That's not looking all that common. As taro has said, it's what, 2-3 per year leaguewide?
  22. You'll also get the people who watch the games but don't buy the merch because of what they think is a stupid name. We saw it first hand with the slug jerseys and then the yellow third. If you're a business trying to get off the ground floor, that's probably something you want to avoid. No name will ever be perfect, but they can do better. They have that chance now.
  23. They currently give you a second round pick if you lose your first round pick, so they'd probably have to do the same thing in this proposed system, one round later than what was lost.
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