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Everything posted by shrader

  1. They bought out Kennedy. That's the only option here if they wanted out. So basically, they can get out, but there is a cap penalty for doing so. For those higher contracts that can be walked away from, there is no cap hit there.
  2. What, you couldn't get yourself a place one storey lower?
  3. You can bury PART of the contract in the AHL. I forget the specific number, but let's just pretend it's the NHL minimum. That is the amount that can be buried. Any amount over that figure still counts against the cap. So if a guy makes $2 million and the cutoff line is $600k, that player would still count as $1.4 million against the cap. This only counts for one-way contracts though. A two-way deal does not count against the cap if they're sent down.
  4. There should be a few dates where the best player born that day was a goalie. Let the fun begin.
  5. Do you see that word right before 50 in my post??
  6. What would be your career stat line? The first 3 digits of your social security number are the games played, then next 3 are your goals, and the last 3 are your assists.
  7. Have you seen his trade proposals?
  8. As Curt just suggested, every single thing the NHL does is a money grab. That's their sole purpose for existence. This one really isn't a case of introducing new stuff and then immediately replacing it though. They're more than likely going to wear everything over the course of the year. I'm not really sure what the need is for this specific jersey, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it stick around as a 3rd if/when they go back to royal blue the following season.
  9. Linked up with the previous one? Most definitely.
  10. Come on @New Scotland (NS). You aren’t aware of a certain underground lair complete with ill tempered sea bass?
  11. A show that ended almost 50 years ago? Yeah, younger than that. Now if you had gone with Virtucon or SPECTRE, I'd have placed those.
  12. Or even worse, December of 2020.
  13. I have absolutely no problem with this kind of state run media as long as the consumers are able to recognize it for what it is. Now if only we could get the majority of people to that point.
  14. I don't want to dive too deeply into this since we're basically beating the corpse of the zombie horse at this point with this topic. What I will say is that I like his clear focus on the blue line. As far as I'm concerned, that's the foundation of any hockey team, something we've been severely lacking for a while now. Will it work? That's another story, but at least it's clear that he realizes that.
  15. I noticed this report from yesterday on TSN about Nashville signing Colton Sissons to a 7 year deal for a total of $20 million dollars. That has to be the smallest amount of money we've seen for one of these long term deals. I don't remember every seeing one of the non-top guys locking up for 7 years.
  16. It's amazing how quickly things turned from last year when fans were worried about Toronto losing a goalie or two on waivers. That wound up happening, then they trade the one guy left and their entire farm system now amounts to a group of very young kids (one of which is apparently the guy from the band Anthrax) and possibly Neuvirth on a PTO. On a side note, I always want to call him Danny Neuvirth.
  17. There was a tv or movie character a while back where his entire stick was explaining blatantly obvious references. I wish I could remember who that was.
  18. It's never the $2 million contract that causes cap trouble.
  19. Just once I'd love to see the chaos that would follow if Horton and Clarkson were magically "healed" and got the itch to play again on the same day.
  20. If that’s the way they’re going, the arm numbers seem awkwardly placed. Or is the the arm stripes that are a little too low? There’s a bigger gap there than there should be.
  21. Wait, is that what he was referencing? I had no idea.
  22. Put a few exclamation points in her name and it sounds exactly like something you'd see on the 60s Batman show.
  23. They're probably arguing over which seat he gets on the bus to and from games.
  24. And there's a decent gap between their offer and his, truly shocking stuff. Just once I want to see a team and the player show up to arbitration with a $200k gap in offers. The resulting WTF wave from the arbitrator would be hilarious.
  25. That's great and all, but what does it have to do with his pending arbitration hearing?
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