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Everything posted by shrader

  1. CHL players have contracts. They probably can’t just leave like that, particularly those 17-19 year olds you are getting at. If they are able to do that, I’d imagine that the rights still revert back to the CHL team if the player then wants to leave immediately for the NHL. Also, I can’t imagine may schools would want to or even be able to take a guy for part of a season… and not the important part of the season (the end of it). This change is going to be a much bigger thing for the guys who have aged out of juniors.
  2. @LTS, is there any in-person option available?
  3. 39 but he looks like he’s 59.
  4. So not only is she driving the wrong way on a one way highway, but she's also reading this forum on her phone right now? Some people shouldn't be allowed to drive.
  5. I’m not crazy about that BU on BU violence. Greenway better stop throwing clean hits.
  6. Did I see it wrong (tiny phone screen). He didn’t break anything up but he got in between them.
  7. Why is a linesman interfering while play is active?
  8. I’d love to know. I want to say that it’s the state I live in, but my wife has been getting the texts but none of the calls. So I’m on a different list. In my book it’s very clearly harassment.
  9. Why is it that election season gives them a free pass to constantly harass people with texts and phone calls? I got 8 calls today from random numbers and I’m sure they were all related to that.
  10. That and he’ll get 4 breakaways and not score on any of them.
  11. I just want to throw this one out there. The dolphins have as many wins as the Carolina panthers. I’ll hang up and listen.
  12. Has there ever been a 64 year old first time GM? Ruff might have an advisor role at some point, but he’s never going higher up the ladder than coach.
  13. It’s a shame that the crowd has to cheer the no penalty call. That timing was awkward.
  14. Can they completely remove the penalty? I have no idea how that rule works. That was a clean hit that went horribly wrong.
  15. I just like looking for the star because it’s an indicator that it’s a thread I’ve posted in. Now I’m not seeing anything that does that.
  16. We've seen it a few times already this year, even just last week with that fumble that Allen kicked forward 10 or so yards.
  17. Has anyone else noticed lately that the star icon doesn't always show up next to threads that you've already posted in? You know what I mean, that button you can push to go to the first unread post?
  18. I know it's back to back games, but there's the Lindy I remember. He does not like playing his backup.
  19. It blows my mind that this has happened more than once in the history of the nfl. After the embarrassment that comes with every single clip we’ve ever seen, these guys should be Forest Gumping it and running straight out of the stadium.
  20. Join me for a round down here in NC. We’re as close to year round as you’ll get.
  21. How much of an infrastructure overhaul would they need for that? How much is actually planned right now? It’s been a long time since I’ve been out there, but the roads there, particularly Abbott, can only handle so much. Granted, I’m talking about this as someone who went to the stadium from the Boston/Hamburg area, not exactly the main feeder into the stadium.
  22. With that diva act, he’s done it with two teams at this point, right? If the shoe fits…
  23. Columbus is a team I can’t wish anything but the best for. I really wonder though how long they can ride that emotional high. I really don’t want to see them come crashing down as hard as I think they will.
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