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Everything posted by shrader

  1. It's probably the ultimate who cares story, but this Richard Sherman thing is pretty funny. You have to love when an attention ***** gets caught blatantly *****ing for attention.
  2. Talk about one family member taking a solid beating from the short end of the genetic stick.
  3. I have to say, this is one of the more odd exchanges I've ever seen on here. I guess everyone has their thing, but I never would have expected to see two of them.
  4. People can agree with his decision but at the same time be disappointed that he made it. A fanbase losing an elite player in the middle of the season? Of course they're going to be upset and frustrated.
  5. I'm fine with that too. If they want their paid teams that's fine, but at that point it should be separated from the academic side. If an elite athlete is enrolled in a bunch of cupcake classes with zero interest from day one, I hope that never takes away a spot from someone who would actually be there for the education.
  6. If they need the space, they'll do it without even blinking an eye. He's essentially in that spot already, but there's no purpose to making that official unless they do need the space.
  7. The label is so unfair to Connolly. Was there ever a so called "bone" injury? The guy had his brain scrambled and was never able to fully recover from that.
  8. How exactly does that work anyway? They've always had the right to profit from their name and likeness, they just weren't able to do both that and play. The thought that's constantly thrown out there about how they should be treated just like any other student drives me crazy most of the time. It's fine if you want that, but let's not pretend that everything available to players is available to the average student. My personal opinion on all of it is that we will eventually see a complete split between the student-athlete label. I don't know how they get there, but it's only true solution I can accept. Allow them to go to schools specifically for sports and don't count as a spot in the classroom. Those who want to do both? Good for them.
  9. Well that and they've clearly used up their entire table budget. That thing reminded me of those "wooden blocks" that kids punch through in 4 year old karate class.
  10. I get the feeling that the people describing it in that way are the ones who have to insert a political theme into everything. Joker was a very well put together film and one hell of a mind F.
  11. It's tough to judge, but it looks to be at least two full body lengths. That combination of distance and accuracy, I'd say most are going to miss it.
  12. Oh, sorry. I thought you were describing this one as a belly flop. Whatever it was, I can't picturing him taking much worse of an angle than he did.
  13. Belly flop probably makes it worse though. it's tough to brace yourself and you're pretty much guaranteeing a high speed face plant. I only want to watch it if it's Tom Brady.
  14. It might as well have been mini-me trying to dunk a basketball.
  15. This one looked like attempted suicide. The only thing worse is that sites like deadspin get to profit from this garbage.
  16. Bonus points to him if he found a way to include that without getting fined by the NFL. You never can tell with them. Idiot doesn't do it justice. They should hand out the darwin award right now.
  17. Any time people are sharing links to illegal streams, that tends to get shut down pretty quickly around here, and rightfully so. I'm kind of curious as to how that applies to the discussion of counterfeit jerseys.
  18. I'll have my wife wear mine later. She's more than a foot shorter than me, so I'm sure this experiment will be very helpful.
  19. It's amazing what better writing can do for one show vs. the other. Nothing happened in Fear the entire year and it dragged on. Nothing really happened last night, but it still had my attention because you can see actual direction in the show.
  20. You might not swim in one of these new ones though. My authentic is noticeably smaller than all the others I have, all of them the same size. There's definitely a different cut to these new ones. My last authentic was the 40th anniversary one, so I'm sure there's probably been a bunch of changes in the jerseys over that 10 year gap.
  21. What was he supposed to do, sit around and twiddle his thumbs?
  22. They’re on pretty much the same page on the development curve. Olofsson really was his own animal since he’s that much older/experienced, even if it’s only two years.
  23. They did a real nice job highlighting that
  24. It’s seems like they could be grooming them to be long term linemates
  25. Joker might just be the most terrifying movie I’ve ever seen.
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