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Everything posted by shrader

  1. But I thought A-A-Ron was going to lead them on a hot streak right back up to the top?
  2. I feel like I just saw you post something similar recently over on the bills board. Same poster?
  3. Goals scored during delayed penalties should not cancer out the penalty. It makes zero sense.
  4. I’m glad no one on either side got hurt at the end. What a strange choice. Or did they? I didn’t see that last drive.
  5. Joe’s post I guess. I didn’t find it.
  6. So Vernon does have an AHL contract. I was wonder if any of them actually did. That info is always so much harder to find.
  7. That’s all well and good, but to say that it’s most of freshman after you’ve said to ignore a good number of freshman. It reminds me of an argument around here years ago where someone tried to argue that Drew Stanford doesn’t score as much in games where he doesn’t score. Bu the way, you keep listing teams who have been notorious for recruiting older.
  8. I worked for a D1 program. We had one 21 year old freshman during my time. It depends on the school, but to say that it is that high of a percentage is crazy. And he’ll, some teams that used to target those guys (actually Maine is a very good example of that), they’ve changed (not Maine this time).
  9. Thrilling stuff. But seriously, it’s crazy how much the game has changed since then.
  10. Look beyond that conference. They go after those kind of guys because they can’t draw the high end talent that other schools do.
  11. A 1pm start after a wrestling event last night. Is the ice going to suck?
  12. The detail that Harpur got hurt on 11/3/2023? What details aren’t people looking into? Maybe I’m missing something here, I don’t know. I just can’t figure out who the jackasses are at this point.
  13. I’m missing that. The trip video is dated 2023 and the charge 2024.
  14. Did he catch the cross bar on the way down? It wasn’t the biggest of hits.
  15. Your definition of “usually” is a bit different than mine.
  16. It’s his first year in North America.
  17. I wonder if the CHL will want the kid who plans on going to college. Yeah, they’ll want the Makars of the world and then try to woo them to stay. That’s basically what they’ve been doing already with trying to poach players before they go to college. I’m not so sure they’ll have much interest in the borderline prospects though. As we’ve said already, the guys who will benefit the most are the ones who have aged out of juniors and up until now had nowhere to go.
  18. I was just looking at the broadcast maps to see my options this weekend. The Bucs game is blacked out in Tampa. I thought they got rid of that.
  19. Every forward got a point tonight. That’s impressive.
  20. He needs an NHL contract for an emergency recall too.
  21. To this day, each time I hear Zibanejad’s name I still wonder if he’s a drum kit.
  22. Some idiots have been shooting at cars in the highway out here this week. They’ve got a swat team taking in some college-looking kids right now. Idiots.
  23. Those guys you’re talking about are the ones who have aged out of the USHL and the other non-CHL junior programs. The ones who can now come over from the CHL? Same age cutoff.
  24. If they're able to. We'll have to see how those contracts are structured. But if they are allowed to go, would the drafting team want them to jump ship like that? Depending on what school you jump to, how will that one year of development compare to what they would have gotten in the CHL? If they're fine with it, we're still dealing with a very small subset of players. I don't think we will be seeing some reverse Van Ryn loophole that will have a bunch of players abusing a jump to the NCAA. That jump in 21 year old freshmen though? That's going to be a real thing. This might be a big help in building up the two bottom feeder conferences.
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