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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'd suspect that these european trips are one case where they allow for those non-roster emergency bodies. I'm too lazy to go digging that up, but it makes sense given the circumstances. But then again, even with that emergency body, if you're already at 23, you can't really IR those 2 forwards who have "the flu" and make room to add the emergency guy to the roster.
  2. Looking at that tiny picture on my screen right now, the logo kind of goes right along with it.
  3. That made me curious to see how he's doing. I had no idea that Carolina gave him away to Florida back in February.
  4. There has to be. There's too much potential by disaster if they don't let them bring someone. I could see there even being some crazy local law that would stop them from grabbing a random local emergency goalie, depending on which country they're playing in.
  5. They really need to turn this into some sort of psychological test: what did you see first. And I'll admit it, I saw the puppy first.
  6. My favorite Bills Backer bar experience was the guy who would scream out "that's holding!" on every single defensive play. And he wasn't doing it in a self-aware joking mode, he was dead serious. And just for the hell of it, I'll throw this one out there. The Bills now control their own destiny for home field advantage.?
  7. My neighbor was dressed as Velma last night. I was very disappointed to find out that her husband was not dressed up as Daphne. They dropped the ball on a perfect couple costume.
  8. You've got the order backwards.
  9. What on earth is going on in that second picture? It kind of looks like dino sex, but then there's also one person in the middle and one getting crushed. I guess everyone has their own thing.
  10. Is the kid angry or is it a fist pump? I have no idea.
  11. Oh thank god. I was scared there for a second.
  12. It's funny because they actually tried to address it already in the rule book. There's a specific line that mentions the lacrosse move, but they kind of screwed up with it. It's in the section about playing the puck with a high stick, but not the disallowed goal section. I'd have to imagine that this line was added post-Legg.
  13. That and I often find the most active participants in online discussions to be just about the lowest form of humanity... excluding this board, obviously?
  14. Did they call up a forward at any point to cover for the Vesey injury?
  15. LGR likes pictures
  16. But you also wait one year longer to get through the restricted salaries of your ELC. I'm not so sure any of us know what that ad money would amount to, but does that balance out the extra year or two of your career where you can make a much larger salary but you've passed on? Ultimately the decision not to wait for the 4 years and not sign is not one that is made over money. It's about being able to choose where you want to play. Most people probably don't stop to think about it, but this option is also available to the CHL players, except they would be re-drafted after year two. But even with that, they could sit and wait until they have their choice, all while pulling in some dollars. How often do we see that happen? When you have a limited earning window, most people are going to get inside that window as soon as possible.
  17. You don't know Skeletor?
  18. Swearing in Mary Poppins? Is this a Yondu version or something?
  19. There's one poor choice of wording in that rule that adds to the confusion: For whatever reason, they added in a line that contradicts the language of the previous sentence. Technically in this Legg goal scenario, the puck originally made contact with the stick at ice-level so it should be legal. I don't think for a second that this is their intention though. They've left the door open for different interpretations.
  20. How are you replacing his minutes with a change like this? It's one thing to have to replace them because you made a trade. But to have to replace those minutes because you re-assigned the player within the team? It doesn't make sense.
  21. I wish I could get a clown mask in the drain, but I'm sure there's some legal issues with that. They're calling for big storms headed our way at around 9pm. That should take care of things.
  22. I'd be curious to see real numbers on this. I feel like I've heard from more people that didn't like the movie. That's far from a representative sample though. Most of the online numbers aren't either. The critics are another story all together. At this point, I don't trust a word that comes out of any of their mouths. The majority of those folks are living in a completely different world than I am. That's fine, everyone has their thing, but I feel like I'm almost never on the same page as them.
  23. I'm going all out with the Halloween decorations tonight. I'm tying a red balloon to the storm drain in front of my house. That's it though, nothing else (ok, maybe I'll try to make a paper boat).
  24. I'll go a couple years earlier and stick with the Singles soundtrack. I've never seen the movie, but I've heard most of that stuff over and over.
  25. On an emergency basis, sure, we see that and will continue to see that forever. And it's interesting to note that both of your guys went from F to D.
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