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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Yeah, I just assume you walk and drive at the same speed. But at least you can’t walk through store front window.
  2. Sorry, missed the sarcasm earlier.
  3. Nearing?
  4. Try the Snyder's ones sometime. They're a game changer.
  5. Slowly working its way from China, through Europe, and then here. There was plenty of warning. Mostly, I worry that comments like those are going to fuel the conspiracy nuts for years to come.
  6. The news here, at least last week, every single story was about such and such person who died. At that point, the death rate was below 1%, so it was pretty clearly a fear tactic. Maybe it's changed this week, but I've stopped watching because it was so horribly put together. I hope this isn't interpreted as me questioning the measures we've taken because I am not. It's just clear when you see an outlet who only cares about ratings. I'm glad I don't have to try to explain these broadcasts to any young children.
  7. I have some of the Snyder's buffalo wing stashed away for when I need a snack. I call those things crack pretzels.
  8. So did they start at the Aud. Interesting. The only thing I could remember was the later incarnation, the Wings, playing at Buff State (thank you wikipedia). Looking over their roster is interesting. UMASS Lowell's current head coach played for the Stampede.
  9. That game was actually in St Louis' arena. I can't believe they actually got that building for something like this. It's funny. I remember that whole experience, but I can't tell you whether or not I actually went to any games.
  10. That Pearl Harbor 9/11 comment has been driving me mad. I don't know if it's just the complete stupidity of it or the fact that it's been replayed on a near constant loop. It is absolutely nothing like those events and the comment is a slap in the face anyone who was involved in either of those days.
  11. Patriot fans actually pointed me to TSW at one point. I know, that probably sounds crazy. Then I migrated over to this side when the lockout was coming to an end. I forget the exact timing, but I'm sure it was dreams of Crosby that did it.
  12. It's a hockey board. Do you really want the entire world to be consumed with COVID conversation 24/7? We've been hoarding TP but maybe we should have been hoarding antidepressants.
  13. It's not like the NHL states that they're playing games out of Englestad whether North Dakota likes it or not.
  14. It's a sad day when shirtless handstands don't qualify as low IQ.
  15. Right. But it's a concept that I couldn't see having much longevity. At least the hockey proposal here is actual hockey. With televised horse, I think the interest would fall off really quickly, even among the bouncyball junkies. If the NHL tried a skills competition right now between a few people, it wouldn't even get 5 minutes of my attention. My point of view on the whole thing is that they should just focus on the widespread restart and not waste much time on the gimicky short term stuff.
  16. I'll be curious to see how this baseball plan shakes out because we're not talking August with that one. Sure, there's more distance between players, but is that enough to make May reasonable? They're all touching the same baseball. Quite honestly, assuming it is the fanless route, it really can't be all that different than the typical supermarket experience we get today. I'm not so sure this really is a close analogy to moving sick patients from NYC to smaller towns. In that case, you're taking known sick people while with these sports ones, you're going to have pre-screened team employees who very likely do not have the virus. Your chances of disease transmission are so incredibly different in the two. And as for the money side, we need to be working on plans to get everything back up and running. The leagues are going to focus on the sports just like any other industry is going to focus on what they do. People have died, sure that sucks, but life needs to move forward at some point. I'm not going to point a finger at the "evil sports leagues" while every single other industry is doing the same exact thing.
  17. No, it seems like it's too close to a disease hot spot. A lot can change by the time they try to start back up, but I can't picture the players as a whole signing off on traveling towards a more densely populated area, which really would rule on pretty much anything northeast. ESPN has a story today that baseball is aiming for a May restart in Arizona. And they're working with federal officials (CDC and NIH specifically mentioned) on it. It's pretty safe to assume that the other leagues are doing the same with any of their plans, so it's not some evil scheme to spread this to the unimportant little people. Whatever these leagues settle on, it's going to be very well thought out and not just randomly thrown together with zero concern for anyone. The more I think about it, I wonder if they find some sort of regional setup. The midwest teams wind up in North Dakota. Find some similar location for the southwest teams. It still gets tricky with the east coast teams, they may have to relocate a bit further.
  18. Where have we seen these thoughts before?
  19. You're not remote enough, far too close to Boston.
  20. Exactly. I heard one yesterday on one of the espn shows saying that the NBA is exploring televised horse games between two players. If what the NHL is doing here is embarrassing, what exactly is that idea?
  21. Good for you fighting the good fight there. I’d say most here just don’t get it. The adults have shut down but their kids are everywhere. It defeats the whole purpose of the adults staying in. And this is with there being at least two cases in the neighborhood so far.
  22. They need to get that arena on my tv. The place is supposed to be a palace.
  23. We have this woman in our neighborhood who is pleading with people to let her know when they are going to stores. She says she wants to limit her exposure. Meanwhile, every single day her kids are out in their front yard playing with 5 or 6 other kids, climbing all over this little plastic slide. This is the same family who before this started were warning people about keeping a close tab on their kids. Some people are truly clueless.
  24. You can't even let myspace have this one? Somewhere Tom is crying.
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