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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Or two people can spin at the same time in opposite directions.
  2. And we watch a daily press briefing where there isn't a single mask in that room.
  3. It's probably a bit misleading since we can't see it from the point of view of the kicker, but it is kind of funny to look at.
  4. Ha, the news stations. Each time I see a reporter out in the field right now, they have their mask on and it's pulled down below their mouth.
  5. I prefer to keep my billion dollars under my mattress. Sure, the mattress winds up pushed against the ceiling and the bed is no longer usable, but at least I know my money's safe.
  6. It's been super erratic down here in NC too. One day it's pushing the point where I need to turn on the AC, then the next it's down to where I probably need to turn the heat on. That machine is going to hate me if I cave and do bounce back and forth between the two settings.
  7. A family in my neigborhood was out in the backyard grilling the other day, all wearing masks. I wish they'd come up with more concrete directions on mask use because so many people have absolutely no clue when is the right time to wear them.
  8. I paid $1.40 yesterday. I’m flashing back to my high school days, filling the tank with less than $20.
  9. Duke has a process they’ve been using for a while too, since before all of this. I’m not sure on the specific type of mask though.
  10. I just stubbed my toe. Did you feel that too?
  11. I was supposed to be landing in the Dominican Republic right around now. Thanks covid.
  12. I bet none of them would have accepted Nylander for Jokiharju either.
  13. I’ve been playing through borderlands 3 for the second time. They e been doing weekly events in the game since the lockdown started ands it’s been a blast.
  14. Honestly, I take it as a sign that there aren’t enough deaths here that they can report on.
  15. He’s a local treasure at best. Just ask Jalen Ramsey.
  16. Our local news is currently doing a story about a local woman whose father died due to covid. Her father lived in New Jersey. I’m sorry, but “random New Jersey man dies of covid” is not a news story in North Carolina. If they want to avoid fear mongering accusations, this is about the worst way possible to do so.
  17. But what about when they start suggesting we start a fund to incentivize players to play better?
  18. Banjo covers of all the top hits?
  19. How can they fine people with out of state plates? They don't always live in the same state as the plates. Hell, one of my neighbors has been here for around 5 years but still has NJ plates.
  20. But they were right. Every single piece if info about Williams in this thread is proof to that.
  21. I'm starting to wonder if we may see a lot more 1 year deals in general this year, particularly when it comes to the non-elite tier players. This goes for both UFA and RFA. The whole thing feels like a massive "let's see how things bounce back" offseason.
  22. Once again, nope, nothing to complain about. Still 100% rosy.
  23. Why is it only a money grab for them when every other business in the country is also trying to figure out how to restart? Now I know you're going to say because they're rich, but where do we draw the line on who's a money grubber and who isn't? The real fun begins when we realize that this imaginary line may very well put Toronto on one side and Ottawa on the other.
  24. He's 26 years old. I think that little detail tells you something.
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