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Everything posted by shrader

  1. The fanbase? He insulted an entire nation.
  2. Can we put Rob Ray and a fresh out of Russia draft pick on an island and see who learns how to speak English first?
  3. I haven’t been up that way since 2013, but I’m crashing that party
  4. Brand new fridge in my garage that is already filled with beer? Glorious
  5. That's the only way it can happen today now that there are so many teams. It's funny, I'm actually more curious right now about some of the older ones. As you can imagine, Edmonton had quite a run, 5 all stars drafted between 1979 and 1980, 4 of them hall of famers. Those were their first two drafts, so talk about hitting the ground running. Then they added another all star/hall of famer the following year
  6. Three future all stars seems like an odd designation. With those rosters turning over constantly each season, only three teams pulling that off seems incredibly low. Now if it was supposed to be hall of famers, now that seems like it could be doable. Buffalo almost hit that one with the Housley draft. Could the real question be about the first and second team all star awards instead of the actual all star game itself? As for the all star version, did each of these three play in one of those games? It's tough to tell especially in more recent years as less guys can get in from one team.
  7. I've been in NC for 6 years now and I haven't actually tried it. I think the sweet tea scared me off from the favored local drinks.
  8. Yeah, me too.
  9. I haven't seen it in a while, but I feel like he showed a soft side when it came to his Korean girlfriend.
  10. I randomly turned that on last night during the Hogan match. My wife was laughing at me the whole time but I don't care. Real American still gives me chills. Some kids were watching porn through the scrambled PPV channels, I was watching WWF PPVs and every single one ended with that theme song.
  11. She ended her sentence with a preposition.
  12. I don't get the first one. As a comparison, let's offer something completely different. It would be one thing if Dak's number was better than Josh's, but all I see is a lower percentage from one guy in the more difficult throwing scenarios, exactly what you'd expect. I'm sure that the difference between the numbers should be much larger, but you don't get any true feeling for the numbers with just those two data points.
  13. Yeah, I know. But anyway, sure, they're all first round examples, but if the difference can be seen that early, it can very easily snowball from there. I really like the Eichel/Reinhart example though because we're not just looking at that one in hindsight. Everyone knew years in advance how much stronger that draft was. Some years it may just be a first round thing. Other years, the top end may be softer but then there's a lot more of the middle tier talent. The morale of the story is that each draft is a very different animal.
  14. Didn't we used to have a thread for repetitive redundancies?
  15. Sure, if you continue to stick to the false assumption that draft pick #x has completely identical value each year. One doesn't exactly have to jump through hoops to show that isn't the case. If only we had players two players on this team who were drafted in consecutive years using the same pick. Oh well, we'll never know for sure...
  16. Right, this one is bad because it was made by Jason Botterill. The Montreal ones are probably bad because they were made my Marc Bergevin. The Nashville one? Who cares how early it is, David Poille made the deal so it must be ok. How can anyone argue with this logic?
  17. It's fine that you don't give him the benefit of the doubt, but you need to at least apply that in reasonable scenarios. You might want to judge him because he didn't put milk on his cheerios this morning. Meanwhile, I'll judge that because I don't like cereal. But at the end of that day, it's a matter that means absolutely nothing.
  18. And since we're arguing over day 2 draft picks, we're just now reaching the point where the first wave of those guys are signing their first contract.
  19. Not if Tondas is claiming ownership of the thread.
  20. So earlier you argued that one was more valuable and now you're saying that they're all equal value? Pick a side. Meanwhile in the 5th round, Montreal sent a 2018 5th round pick to Chicago for their 2019 5th round pick. -Montreal also traded a 2018 4th round pick to Calgary for a 2019 4th round pick. -Nashville traded a 2018 3rd round pick for to Florida for a 2019 3rd round pick. -There were also multiple 7th round deals of this nature. So what is it, each of these GMs were played like a fool? You can't simply compare the pick numbers to make any declaration about any of these GMs.
  21. There's a fine line though when it comes to language evolving. Remember this post 15 years from now when everyone is talking and writing like a twitter post.
  22. The draft pool has completely different levels of depth from year to year. 156 one year does not equal 156 the next. If they feel that 2019 is deeper than 2018, it won't matter in a GMs mind if the pick is a 10 or so slots later.
  23. These are the little things we can never track. For all we know, it could have also been a return on a previous favor. Those pesky "future considerations" exist even if they're not specifically mentioned in the trade. Also, the values you suggested are kind of interesting. If you look at the 2019 draft, Buffalo wound up trading that Toronto pick along with their 7th rounder in 2019 for a 5th rounder in 2019. So that 2018 6th rounder along with a 2017 7th rouder wound up equating to a 2018 5th rounder... almost exactly what you're suggesting. And Buffalo moved all over the place in the 2019 draft. I'd suspect that it was a draft they had more interest in.
  24. And if you scroll through that draft an other drafts, you'll find several trades identical to this one, a pick in round X this year for a pick in round X next year. It doesn't matter how much you yell about this, it's a very common move and it doesn't make any of these GMs inept. And it also doesn't matter one bit that it's the first pick of the 6th round. The 156th overall pick does hold some magical value above anything else in that range.
  25. Wait, people actually care about trading a 2018 6th round pick for a 2019 6th round pick? You traded a scratch off lottery ticket today for one tomorrow. Look, we have plenty of things to use against him, but this one is a stretch, particularly with how much the talent pool varies from year to year.
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