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Everything posted by shrader

  1. You might need to take a closer look.
  2. Eric Crapton
  3. Dan Halen
  4. That and people just want to find any reason to complain. Has anyone accused Botterill of poking Hutton in the eye yet?
  5. Those winged rats don’t deserve being called by their proper name
  6. Two main differences come to mind immediately. Geese are bigger and the two make very different sounds. The quack vs the honking is very distinct.
  7. While we're throwing hypotheticals out there, maybe it's so simply as being happier back over there. He's not the first and certainly won't be the last guy to go back after a couple years here. Sometimes there's nothing sinister going on at all. If he really wanted to be in the NHL but not with Buffalo, he probably would have been able to make it happen. I think even the team would have worked with him on that if it was the case. So he thinks the KHL is the best path for his career, so be it.
  8. And it could just as easily be a case of a guy who doesn't want to stay in the NHL. Wasn't there a comment in here earlier that the Sabres wanted him to stick around? True or not, there's really not all that much they can do if a guy wants to go back across the pond. Given the way the entire NHL came to a crashing halt this year, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see a player suddenly reassessing what he wants. But whatever, there's no need for the finger pointing here just for the sake of finger pointing. I'd love to hear from Pilut's camp about his true motivations here, but I suspect that we never will. He's going to disappear into the night, never to be seen again.
  9. How exactly do you get a return in this scenario? If the guy wants to leave for the KHL, it's not like you can trade him into that league. They'll still qualify him and retain his rights.
  10. Actually, it's looking like we have a nest in the front shrubs. We had a guy here for a bug treatment and the female fled out of those bushes as he was treating that area. There's always a couple ducks in another neighbor's backyard in afternoon soaking in some shade, but this is the first time I've seen them in my yard. I did hear something moving around in those bushes over the weekend, assumed it was a rabbit, but then a much smaller bird walked out with a stick in it's beak. Now I'm wondering if it stole part of the duck nest. I'm pretty sure there's a nest in there though. I watched the female for a while after the bug guy left. She kept slowly working her way back towards that corner, but got spooked by just about any motion. I hope they're able to stick around and don't have to abandon their nest after the little interruption today.
  11. And now the duck’s wife has shown her face:
  12. Sorry, crappy quality. It's a duck and there's no water anywhere close to us. The little guy was persistent. I had to walk right up to within a foot before it finally waddled away. Edit: The wife was texting me from the car asking for help. The duck wasn't bothered by the horn at all.
  13. There’s a new form of protest in my neighborhood:
  14. “Get off your lawn” doesn’t have the same ring to it.
  15. You should see the rest of the box. It’s full of stuff like that. It yeah, I did the same thing as you. I was pointing out every single typo to the wife as I read it. I got to “adequs”, showed that to her, then took the box back and finished reading. I then just about fell out of my chair laughing.
  16. I think it’s pretty clear why I’m returning this water filter I bought on amazon:
  17. I think I'm joining a golf course
  18. Some days aren't?
  19. We've had a ton of rain over the last two weeks. That couple with some warmer weather and my lawn is practically cartoon radioactive green. I love it.
  20. Is there anything they can't do?
  21. I'll use this one to try to recover the thread. There was talk in here earlier about the people out there taking advantage of these protests. I watched most of the coverage out of Raleigh last night. At one point, I forget the time but probably after midnight, one of the three reporters approached a group of 5 or 6 20 somethings to interview them. The first woman he talked to did not know George Floyd's name. She then mentioned how she goes from city to city for these events. Another in the group then quickly jumped in and started spouting off very cliche "I'm from here" responses. The first one screwed up and went off the script, so to say, and the second stepped in and tried to clean it up. But she was very clearly making it up. These are the people we need to worry about during these events. Are they there just to destroy stuff? Do they want to derail the cause? Who knows, but they're clearly there for chaos. Those on the street interviews are really interesting stuff though. I saw just about every single angle among the people out there. That in a way shows exactly why these things go bad, thousands of people out there and hundreds of different reasons. He's a thread killer. Sometimes people just need to just leave it alone, let a post or two be a clear example of who that person is, and not respond to it. He's the message board version of what I just described above.
  22. Trade him to the KHL? They can still make him his qualifying offer with or without this move and then they still retain his rights. Then if he wants to come back to the NHL, but not here, then you can trade him.
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