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Everything posted by shrader

  1. In an exhibition game.
  2. It depends on your role though. The agitator is probably going to be very happy with that pungent odor.
  3. It was a visit to a company that is supposed to be pretty far along in vaccine development.
  4. I'm sure there's way more behind it, crazy mergers and what not, but it's very interesting to see the old film companies going that route. There was a similar story around here in NC earlier this week with a pharmaceutical company with "fujifilm" in their name.
  5. My office just asked for people to send pictures of things they've been doing since COVID started. I'm the one person in the group who would actually send a picture of a mountain of empty beer bottles.
  6. My crazy increase in alcohol consumption during all of this should have the same impact on my health, right??
  7. Have you met NS? It's really not tough to figure out which team he's talking about when it comes to draft prospects.
  8. I was going to say to go to some random store/restaurant and by some. Boom, the one ingredient is money.
  9. Sorry, but you have no chance on this one.
  10. As a Boston resident you are disqualified from all discussions. I moved away from that cesspool but I'm still disqualified from at least half of all discussion.
  11. COVID hides in the ground waiting to pounce on anyone who happens to step in the wrong spot?
  12. That last line makes it sound like you were expecting some push back on your statement.
  13. When all is said and done, I’d suspect that as a whole, most states will wind up with a similar proportion of their population with documented covid. Well... except Florida because they’re Florida. So if that happens, is one approach really any better than the other? If anything, the earlier cases in NY could be worse since they didn’t have the knowledge of how to treat yet at that point. It’ll vary a bit from state to state thanks to thinks like population density, but I fully understand spect similar rates.
  14. Sorry I’m late on this one, but are we really surprised that the three states with more people than New York will have more cases than New York? If anything, it just shows how bad that initial rush in cases was.
  15. Lightning But it is funny when people throw an S at the end of that one.
  16. Washington Swamp Donkeys Make it happen!
  17. I was going to go with alliteration and also violate 11’s singular rule. The Seattle Suck
  18. Now that I think about it, the neighbor with the puppy Ella is also from Rochester. Doppelgänger? Seriously iPhone, you put those double dots over the a?
  19. An incredibly late suspension for a late hit?
  20. Did you move to NC? My neighbors have a chocolate lab puppy named Ella.
  21. Are sedatives good for covid? This thread could use some.
  22. Sometimes things are so obvious that you don't actually have to say them. Subtlety plays better sometimes.
  23. Perfect, it would wash the crappy team away.
  24. That's the one good thing about all of this, that I don't have to listen to any of these people anymore. I never heard much conspiracy stuff around the office, but I just don't like people.
  25. You don't sell subscriptions by comparing players to Sam Bennett (insert the name of whichever high draft pick who never amounted to anything).
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