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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I just broke out the jersey for the rest of the day.
  2. I decided to text my friend that covered ECAC hockey back while Appert was at RPI. His first response pretty much explains this hire to me: "very modern, analytical approach".
  3. That’s minor league sports for you. Baseball has a lot of hilarious stuff over the years. I’m sure the AHL has their share too.
  4. That program has been sending a ton of coaches to the pro ranks over the years. Rolston, John Hynes, David Quinn. From there to the AHL is probably the next natural progression for those guys.
  5. I'd hold off on Saul for a little bit if possible. We only have one season left, but who knows when we'll get it thanks to COVID. If you're going to binge, you might as well be able to binge the entire season.
  6. Were those pink jerseys actually worn in any games though or was it just during warmups? I know I've seen them, just not sure where. And on another note, a few college teams did pink jersey games, probably about 10 years ago at this point. They were absolutely hideous.
  7. I just started Ash vs. Evil Dead this week. It doesn't get more historical than that.
  8. Why do I get tagged? Am I a noted grammar *****?
  9. I like the old rule because it gave a team like Chicago so many options thanks to the feathers in their logo. Anaheim and Atlanta were really the only ones I can think of who took advantage of that. I use the term "advantage" very loosely though because Atlanta's stuff wasn't very good and Anaheim's orange has been an assault on the eyes.,
  10. I'd imagine that qualifying offers and arbitration could cause some troubles around the league this year, both for the league and the PA. Arbitration should be particularly tricky, because the flat cap is not going to factor into any arbitrators decision. Teams will want to avoid it at all costs, but does the random player thing it might be a good option as a way to force a rejected deal and free agency? @Taro T, I know you were looking through the new CBA earlier. Do they still have the same requirements for qualifying offers this year (or the next couple years) or did they leave it at the same percentage raise as before? I'm guessing they didn't touch it, but so many other industries lost annual raises this year, I wouldn't put it past any league to try to do the same.
  11. He mentioned the throwbacks. I forget the exact rules, but I feel like there's a very limited number of games where they're allowed.
  12. That's the one thing that concerns me a bit about the masks. They're probably going to become the norm for a long time after this is over. People will want to wear them, and that's completely fine, but it's that public shaming for not wearing them that I worry about. We did just fine without them for 100 years during flu season, we'll still be fine without them come fall 2022 (assuming COVID actually does become manageable at some point).
  13. Sounds like pampering to me. They're spoiled.
  14. And also a good sign for those who are worried about the money side of things. A perfect "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
  15. It wasn't too low for many of these same players when they were playing in AAA. That's the part that confuses me.
  16. Or they pamper players in the majors a little too much.
  17. shrader

    So #8

    Do any of the others have a similar path as Bellows, who was only there for one year after bailing on the NCAA?
  18. Who doesn't like fluff? It pairs with peanut butter so well.
  19. I'm not sure where we're supposed to talk about this since so many threads are closed. The Rags already have an $11 million wing and now they'll have two more stud prospect wings. Long-term, who is skating between all these wingers?
  20. I found another nitpick. The blue jersey needs the gold collar. If they were worried about it being too blue, that does help quite a bit.
  21. I had the same thought, that it still looked a bit navy. It's crazy how a couple shadows and your monitor settings can completely mess with a picture. Here's another thing that's nice about all of this. I don't have to spend a penny. My white Perreault and blue LaFontaine now go back into heavy rotation... with the gold Eichel thrown in as well.
  22. And hey, they got the red eye right. That's the one thing they couldn't work into the gold jersey.
  23. This makes me want to see that version without the white. I doubt we'll even notice those stripes on TV, but we'll see. I wouldn't be surprised if they disappear in a couple years.
  24. I'll get over it, but yeah, I don't get why they added that white in there. It's not really necessary. Oh, and I still miss the old socks with a ton of stripes on them.
  25. They're probably not aiming more broadly than the Buffalo audience and going with the most recent time that logo was used.
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