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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Supervisor just assumes it would be mouse-o.
  2. Does anyone want to do some research? I'll pay you with a beer the next time I'm in Buffalo (aka. never). How many teams have also fallen victim to wrong brother syndrome?
  3. Ahhh how could I forget that one? It probably gets blurred a bit since he hasn’t quite caught his father’s numbers yet.
  4. Adam Sandler. The NBA. What else can they throw in there that sucks?
  5. They had to have gotten the right brother at least once. I'm going to have to start reading up on Steve Hasek.
  6. So you want to trade for a guy that you plan on throwing in the press box? I know they have to add money, but there has to be a more productive way than that. It's essentially what they did here with Bishop, but you can't do that 3 or 4 times... well you can, but I don't see that as the plan moving forward.
  7. They always love their own, the guy they drafted. I love this hypothetical because all three goalies wound up here anyway… and all at the worst possible time.
  8. Does the vet even want to sign on if he sees that possibility out there?
  9. This is part of why I hate twitter. That Lysowski tweet didn't sound the least bit definitive to me. He COULD play in the AHL. I COULD get a hole in one later today. But it looks like more information has come out since I made my post, that relegation detail.
  10. Is that every single character she's ever played? Full disclosure, I've only ever seen her in American Pie and Orange is the New Black, but yeah, that description works for both of those.
  11. If you tweaked the age slightly, I'd swear you were talking about a certain Swedish goalie we didn't sign last year. I guess those extra years do make a big difference, but that contract's not looking so hot right now.
  12. Brawndo's post earlier said that the SHL team would control whether he goes to the AHL or back to Sweden. To me, that fits with he "can play for the Amerks next year", the team just has to allow it.
  13. This team will be adding guys like Krebs, Quinn, Peterka, Power, Samuelson, and passively UPL as full time players. Then you’ve already got another ELC in Cozens. Outside of Skinner, Okposo, and Dahlin, you’ve got nothing but low price tags and a good number of roster slots filled up. Now I know some might want Quinn and Peterka to see more AHL time, but I don’t think that happens. The team has a lot of roster slots filled up at a very low cap hit. They are not getting up towards the cap by filling these extra slots unless they hand out nothing but big contracts. And there is very little reason to be inking anything like that long term right now. How many players want to sign on for that big money 1-2 year deal? And does that type short term transition help any more than the other approach of signing the reclamation projects again and letting the kids grow together? I really don’t know. I have no problem with them getting their cap but up to somewhere middle of the road, leaving open the flexibility to either add or subtract mid-season depending on how things have gone.
  14. And they don’t want to get exactly to the floor, they want to be well above it (I don’t know what that number would be). That way, if in the middle of the season you wind up moving out, for example, someone making $2 million, you don’t have to add back on at least that much money in the deal.
  15. Why include the incredibly awkward treadmill video? Lame attempt at bragging?
  16. Ahhh crap, just found a bunch of japanese beetles going to town in my backyard. It's time for a bug killing spree.
  17. I was thinking homeless guy but you nailed it. Moses is definitely the most historic homeless person.
  18. There's a slightly different version of that and it involves any store that has a pair of doors at their entrance. People will only use one side. I've seen small lines build up outside while people wait for anyone coming out. There's two doors people! Use those things you have called arms and just open the other one. I've walked right past these lines, opened the door and walked right in. The look on their faces, you'd think I just invented the wheel. There is one slight hiccup to this though. Certain places will keep one of those two doors locked. I feel like this has to be a fire hazard. Just picture being in a rush to get out of the place and you run into a door that doesn't move. I haven't seen him do it in years, but my brother would always unlock that second door anytime he came across one. And come on people, if there's someone behind you, hold the door for them until they can grab it.
  19. Being able to take turns helps a ton too. It sucks a bit with the formula shortage, but the rotation has helped here a ton. On that note, I'm convinced that my 5 month old is the biggest baby his age in all of North Carolina, weighed in at 20.5 pounds today.
  20. Maybe it was a different game.😁
  21. That would be a bit odd since he really doesn't have any leverage. I wonder if he would try to get the team not to qualify him once the season ends.
  22. Even if they realize they're not making the team, I want every single prospect in camp playing like they want the job. And personally, I'd much rather have a kid who needs to adapt to the North American game doing it as soon as possible. I hope he realizes this and stays with the Amerks. It can't be an easy decision at his age.
  23. He wants to play in the NHL now and since Buffalo still retains his rights, that's his only path back at this moment. I wouldn't take this story to mean that he wants back with the organization, he's just going to do what he has to do.
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