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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Everyone has a little inkman in them. Have fun with that one.
  2. This has to be the first time ever one brother has been the GM of an NFL team and the other an NHL team. Do they have any other siblings that want to take a shot at running an MLB and NBA team?
  3. Thanks to this picture, the inkman in me thinks it means he has a third leg.
  4. Very little from our youth does age well.
  5. I want to join that competition one day, then sit up there and causally eat two hot dogs.
  6. That tied to the name Todd, I just assumed it was a line from a random movie. But hey, that’s our moderator, going as blunt as possible.
  7. The circle for the old stadium, is that supposed to be anything specific?
  8. I wasn’t expecting a random reference that I’m not familiar yet. But anyway, I’d hand her the earplug and ask if she lost it.
  9. What did Todd ever do to you?
  10. It’s been a while since I saw the previous season, but I feel like they ramped up the scare factor a bit with the new season. Personally I think the cast is a bit too big and too spread out now, but I think it’s been very well done. One subplot felt mostly pointless to me, but not intolerably so.
  11. I agreed with you. And a big part of his vision was going more kid friendly.
  12. I hope the tennis media is able to remain respectful to the daughter during Wimbledon. All it takes is one idiot to ruin everything. I’m sure they’re fine actually, but I don’t know if their setup over there might allow for someone outside the tennis circles to get in and ask some stupid crap.
  13. Sure, they were always for the kids but like you’re suggesting, Lucas took it to the extreme. Even being kid friendly, the originals had a bit of edge to them, pretty much all in the form of Han. But Lucas even tried to take that away with the whole “Han shot first” fiasco. There’s three things about those prequels that are so over the top kiddy, which just so happen to be three things that pretty much ruin the movies for me. 1. 6 year old Anakin 2. The army of droids, giving you an easy path to an endless supply of “bloodless” kills 3. jarjar
  14. Oh cool. I thought it was still a longer wait. The rest is supposed to be two movie length episodes.
  15. I just don’t want to see constant escapes from certain death. They played that card a few too many times in Kenobi and it cheapens it. I guess it doesn’t quite measure up to episode 9s “hey, by the way, Palpatine is still alive” but it was a bit much. That said, I did enjoy it a lot. Fleshing out Leia’s character was great. Shes such an important piece to those movies, but I feel like she never gets as much love as she deserves.
  16. It's a great show. Starting from the beginning now and watching through, I'd imagine the rapid aging of the child actors is really going to stick out.
  17. Their own description says it’s for kids and it’s rated TV-Y7, so I actually overshot on my number earlier. If you enjoy that, great for you. I couldn’t make it through more than a handful of episodes. The kiddie friendly approach is what gave us the prequels, it’s not something I can stomach.
  18. Sorry, those shows were aimed at 13 year olds. Couldn’t do it.
  19. That’s their new thing now, no one can ever die. It cheapens the whole process.
  20. One thing drove me crazy with Kenobi: how completely ineffective a lightsaber through the chest can be
  21. I actually did place Bodger in that picture. I assumed Hawerchuk but wasn't 100% sure. But now that it's confirmed, I officially call BS on that "best hockey player" label.
  22. Is that Dale Hawerchuk?
  23. Maybe it's mostly due to playing for that team, but I've never seen anything resembling an NHL goalie when I've seen him play.
  24. Taro nailed it. Everyone wants different things.
  25. What I don’t understand is why the 40 year old wanted that. I get that some guys just don’t want to walk away from the game, but there have to be some limits. Maybe the situation wasn’t as unwanted as we might think.
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