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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I don’t mean it to be anecdotal. The point is that even if she did identify herself as a high school student, that doesn’t give an age. So unless she’s walking around saying “hello Mr Araiza, my name is Jane and I’m 17” and handing out her ID, he’s not going to know whether or not she’s legal. This whole assumption of age thing, it seems very hard to prove in either direction.
  2. My brother started college at 17. I was an 18 year old senior in high school. I’m not sure how much identifying the school really matters.
  3. Have you read the statement and his Twitter posts? Dude’s an attention *****.
  4. This turd is trying to milk his own client for his own 15 minutes of fame. Absolute scum of the earth. You just know he was trying to come up with any angle he could to go after the bills and get his hands on some nfl money.
  5. I don't think it says anything about the case either way, but that lawyer is clearly a loon.
  6. I'm not quite sure I'd trust the words of a guy who doesn't know how to wear glasses.
  7. "How dare you air this out through the media" -said through media No offense to you lawyers out there, but they're all pond scum.
  8. That's such an odd quote from the article. They say he confirmed having sex with her, but then when they get to actual quotes from Araiza, he's not answering the question. If they have the actual quote, use it instead of throwing together a sentence where the first half contradicts the second half.
  9. Crap, I feel like I heard an interview over the summer with someone where this was mentioned.
  10. Especially with his cancer scare early in his career.
  11. If you do figure out who The Deep is, you'll never look at calamari the same way ever again.
  12. Is that the Deep?
  13. I don't know why, but I find it disturbing that a mascot is talking.
  14. He also was responsible for ending the thought in Boston that Pete Carroll never did anything good for them.
  15. It's like how Mr. Burns has every single disease known to man. They hold each other in complete balance so he is indestructible.
  16. Didn’t he work for that guy who used to scam Cheers all the time? Didn’t he work for that guy who used to scam Cheers all the time?
  17. The bald detective.
  18. What exactly are they supposed to do? This thing was headed to court without this settlement. That pesky little thing called the CBA limits their options. There was no win here for anyone. The real angels in this whole process are the Browns for handing him that mega suspension-proof contract in the middle of this whole ordeal.
  19. I'll be very curious to see how things play out compared to Detroit and Ottawa. Sometimes teams can go a little too crazy and their chemistry gets a huge shock to the system when it wasn't really necessary. Granted, with the pipelines in very different places, they can't all take the same approach.
  20. He's essentially right back in the mail room, where the show started.
  21. Kind of difficult to throw the ball without an arm.
  22. It seemed so mutual to me. Even with the different path, those brothers have the same amount of stubbornness.
  23. I thought I had heard something about him not being thrilled with them, but obviously not to that extent.
  24. So the regrets scene with Chuck. Was that Jimmy's regret or Chuck's?
  25. I'll add to May Day. That one gave me the chance to chant may day in a bar in 2005 while standing next a table where Ray Bourque was sitting.
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