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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. Not only that but there is a major perception issue that needs to be overcome. The people of Buffalo don't have a difficult time being rowdy and enthusiastic when it comes to Buffalo Bills games and Bandits games, both of which are greatly aided IMO by not taking themselves too seriously (Bills tailgates and Bandits dress up/bagpipes). The Sabres games and their attendees seem to take hockey way too seriously, and it may be due to a number of factors - Buffalo being a hockey knowledge hotbed, Sabres historically being the "good" team in town, depression over their recent poor play (3+ years). But another thing that Robviously and the Dallas comments brought up is the lack of fan engagement "traditions". The Bills have natural energy built for defensive third downs, shout songs at every score, kickoff chants etc.; the Bandits have the BOX chant, "What's he got?", etc. to keep the fans engaged as part of the experience; the Stars (above example) have "STARS" anthem, power play chant, etc. The Sabres have... nothing in the in-game experience that encourages fans to make an impact or any traditions that start chants or make noise. It is admittedly tougher in hockey since the game can go long stretches without breaks, but there is no fan experience event occurring to introduce fan interaction and prevent long periods of library like silence. The only thing might be Sabretooth banging the drum to start a LGB chant (which works), but that happens once a game maybe. If the team isn't going to be a first place team, the arena staff needs to introduce ways to encourage participation and make it fun.
  2. I'm going to Bert Kreischer tonight at helium with Mrs. TBB. Looking forward to a fun night out to let off the stress from 5 straight hours of meetings this afternoon. :beer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paG1-lPtIXA
  3. Same for me. Got home from volleyball league just in time to change and catch the anthem
  4. #analytics
  5. Tough to skate through the "entire team" when there are only 3 skaters on the ice... :nana:
  6. Wasn't meant to say it was bad artwork, just bustin' on our post leader. (Also a way to give him some free "gimmie" posts to get closer to 30k)
  7. I'll let you decide seeing as I have two pint glasses with that exact logo etched on the side of them at home after I bought them following the Genesee Brewery visit & tasting. :beer:
  8. Good analysis. Your last comment would lead me to believe that playoff entry cut-off would be closer to the 14-15 season where 98 points was the playoff points mark, rather than the other years where 93 points got you in. Gotta keep winning.
  9. Then it is just a coincidence that it's the exact same color as the "sick" emoji. :sick:
  10. Are you sure you want the Lime Green Goat head to be your image on this momentous occasion? :sick:
  11. Charlie work doesn't pay $5.75MM x 5 years.
  12. I was going to say the same thing. RJ is always at his best when there is exciting end to end hockey with chances on both sides. He is less dynamic and memorable when both teams are playing NJD trap/Alamo mode. During the last few years truly exciting plays were few and far between, but lately the offensive talent has begun to show and the scoring chances are coming. He's got some material to work with. To be fair, he still does make numbers mistakes and mis-announces calls (stopped on a high stick when it was clearly a glove pass), so his age is still showing.
  13. It's 11:15 here in the States
  14. Right I think the stat was something like 14-0-5 when scoring first Edit: Close 15-0-4, now 5
  15. We're going to be happy over on this side of the pond
  16. Good call Tondas
  17. I was gonna say we need some MODO magic. Glad you saw it my man!
  18. Remember when we were all ragging on Eichel for a poor first period? And someone mentioned those games stars still end up with multiple goals. Eichel with 2 goals including gwg
  19. I know but never from us. We always seem to panic and chase
  20. With BTP's kid at the game too!
  21. He made a very smart play shooting it back into our zone when they were in trouble in the o zone. Very subtle but so effective
  22. Scrapbook time baby!!!!
  23. Eichel to start? Imagine that
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