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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. They were playing with them in the first period. The goals against in the second period happened when they stopped skating and started standing around. In my eyes it was a drop off in effort after they got too comfortable
  2. I will say I love how amped Jack Eichel gets for leafs games. He is looking very dangerous tonight (in a good way)
  3. Sam is still my boy. Nice!
  4. You're right I clearly got trolled by responding. Lol
  5. Oh boy! A 5 on 3! Wonder how we can mess this one up...
  6. I'm more concerned that the team didn't wake up after the goalie got pulled and Tyler ***** Ennis scored a breakaway goal. This team has the mental fortitude of a teddy bear
  7. Come on now, Ennis wasn't useful for the Sabres OR the Wild. Toronto has given him the only niche role he can be useful in.
  8. They just look shell shocked. They're shitting their pants left and right
  9. I know it seems like we couldn't wait to get rid of him like 5 years ago. He was barely an NHL player for a while and now all of a sudden he's useful again
  10. Played with fire one too many times
  11. They haven't woken up at all, Linus is just saving thier bacon left and right
  12. He's decidedly not good at NHL hockey
  13. Haha that's some next level *****
  14. It's amazing how they are able to play with good teams when they hustle and focus, then immediately throw it away once they get complacent
  15. Jacques a dis "Jacques me off"
  16. This seems like a good strategy for us. Can you let all the other teams know?
  17. Let's give the guy a break. He just took the red eye into town last night. If he still sounds non-plussed in a week then let's talk
  18. Getting back to Anahiem - if they aren't able to shed Getzlaf and Kesler's contracts, then they are going to be unsuccessful in rebuilding, even if the rest of the "new" core turns out good. I don't think you can field anything more than an average team when your two largest contracts are on the downside of their careers.
  19. I've had page long debates with WildCard on a number of issues and never once have I felt like he didn't respect my opinion, even if we are arguing polar opposite points. I have had similar debates with mostly everyone on this board. I have seen others come and go who were clearly trolls, and I can spot and ignore them. Jame's posts are ones with a lot of strong opinions, which all/most are also great hockey points that I would love to debate with, but I just can't do it when every post has a little personal dig in them that indicates that this poster doesn't seem to have an ounce of respect for the person on the other side of the debate. It's infuriating to interact with on a regular basis, but I keep getting sucked in by the good hockey points. Maybe i am being trolled. Who the ***** knows.
  20. That said, everything here is great content and supports the point that maybe it won't be a full tear down, even if they try to get out of the aging "star" contracts. But there are still these little personal jabs that to me insinuate that you are better than us and were just daft for not getting it. It's tiring to engage with and makes it so I don't want to respond. Perhaps I need to get a tougher skin, but i've been here for almost 10 years and I have rarely felt so consistently personally attacked. Yeah dont. You aren't even close to the only one who feels this way. If you leave, i'm leaving too.
  21. Dude seriously, stop talking to us like we are petulant children
  22. I was referring to the Kane trade valuation and GMTM points from earlier. Cool. This definitely happens. We all have a lot of hope that our team will get better rather than worse, so a reasonable faith in the GM comes along with that as long as he isn't demonstrating Chiarelli level incompetence. I will re-iterate that I had no problem with either the Kane or ROR acquisition trades.
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