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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. I'll go on record and say I'm cautiously optimistic. I like a lot of the "leader of men" stuff as well as the "puts players in a position to succeed". I'd much rather take a shot at a guy who could be a top coach (or fail miserably) as opposed to a safe retread. Let's establish a culture of a successful organization and go from there. I think about all the positivity coming from Bills camp, and a lot of that is confidence in the vision and 'process' Beane and McDermott preaches. We as a fan base are desperate to have confidence that the leaders in charge know what they're doing - and we'll see if Krueger can establish that faith here.
  2. We'll be in Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Repub, Germany) next month as well. Maybe you can convince some Russians to invade Poland and come say hello while you're over there. ?
  3. They came from the North. Dragonstone is on the way and would be a logical spot to stop to plan the upcoming attack. However, based on the map of Westeros i'm struggling to figure out where Euron was hiding that was close enough to be able to shoot and destroy the ships near Dragonstone. Looking at the screenshot, Dragonstone is by itself and the closest island (or that peninsula thing to the SW) is too far to be in range of those scorpion arrow things given the scale of the rest of the map. I'm with you Dark, maybe I need to watch it again...
  4. I think its even more confusing because after that sea battle, we are all immediately teleported to the gates of King's Landing with Dany/Tyrion/Greyworm etc. talking with Cersei's forces. There's no travel time anymore because the show runners are running out of time, so all the characters just magically jump from place to place based on plot needs.
  5. ...behind a big enough rock to hide 50+ ships. ?
  6. The way that Dany is going from "breaker of chains" good leader to tilted "they killed my friend and dragon" mad queen, i'm fully expecting her to just take Drogon and attempt to blast through the wall. Which is a terrible idea. My biggest annoyance continues to be that this all feels so rushed based on the artificial timeline of this being the last season. The great war with millions of undead took one ***** night, and now they have ~3 hours left of screentime to wrap up the battle of King's Landing and decide the throne. For contrast the Battle of Blackwater took like 6 episodes with the buildup, strategizing and battle. I like finding things out, but this is feeling like a Dexter or Walking Dead type letdown as opposed to the brilliance of a Breaking Bad type ending.
  7. Especially since the show for the last 7 seasons has been all about careful planning and cleverness/politics being more important than brute strength. Now i'm expecting next week to be more Rambo-style charge in the front gates and fight everything entirely devoid of proper battle tactics.
  8. There was a rock formation in the way... clearly. /sarcasm
  9. Mine is going to be limited to MLB Ballparks, as when I was traveling for work in my younger years I had a mission to catch every ballpark. NHL: Sabres (KeyBank Center), Chicago (United Center), Pittsburgh (PPG Paints Arena) NFL: Buffalo (New Era Field), Cleveland (FirstEnergy Stadium) NBA: Toronto (Air Canada Center - I liked the Raptors when I was a kid) MLB: Toronto (Rogers Center), Pittsburgh (PNC Park), Cincinnati (Great American Ballpark), Cleveland (Progressive Field), Chicago (AL) (Guaranteed Rate Field), Chicago (NL) (Wrigley Field), St. Louis (Busch Stadium), Colorado (Coors Field), Seattle (Safeco Field), Arizona (Chase Field), San Francisco (AT&T Park)... ...countless AA and AAA ballparks in random small towns that I was stuck in for a week or so. The minor league parks were great to go to by yourself or with a co-worker because the beer was cheap and each half inning had crazy fan stunts and entertainment.
  10. I didn't think it was possible that Oliver would fall to us. I have a feeling he was thier trade up target too. He has Aaron Donald upside imo
  11. Gross. And we thought McLellan and Vignault was bad.
  12. Oh no doubt, you can't make it so punitive that all the corporations move to Canada or somewhere in the Caribbean, but the policies have been trending very pro-corporation for as long as I can remember. There's a better balancing act available. I'm a big proponent of simplifying the tax code to the point where its very easy to calculate everyone tax liabilities. The amount of industry or cause specific tax exemptions that exist in our code that only came about as a result of special interest lobbying make it very easy for the big corporations to end up with minimal taxation on huge revenues.
  13. As a financial professional, the second the new tax law was put into effect I knew this headline or something similar to it would be coming out post 4/15. What is most amazing to me is how Trump has managed to convince a large majority of people in the U.S. that he is working to help the middle and working class, when his actual fiscal/taxation policies are some of the most pro-corporation benefit that we have seen in a long time. My personal slant is the amount of money the government could make in enforcing a real corporate tax policy without the million loopholes that currently exist would allow all sorts of reductions in personal income taxes and still come out ahead.
  14. Boy that Kadri cross check was something else. Saw it live on the broadcast and could not believe that level of intent and animosity. People complained about Tom Wilson, but that was some Burtuzzi level *****
  15. After finally thawing out last week I noticed that a decent sized area of shingles had blown off my roof - probably from that crazy windstorm. I love talking to contractors...
  16. Hopefully his defense partner is decent. By the looks of it he's playing with some guy named Brent Seabrook... whoever that is. ?
  17. Seems I should have read the CWHL folding thread. Looks like the two threads are related in that one league folding means the other absorbs some of the teams and becomes "the" women's hockey league.
  18. Awesome news! The more that the NWHL can expand the more opportunities for female athletes and increased league stability. I think there were discussions of merging the Canadian women's league with the US NWHL a few months ago, maybe this is a similar alternative.
  19. The thing that gets coaches fired the fastest: losing the players.
  20. I voted that Phil would be here again next season. Not because that is what I want to happen, but because successful organizations have continuity and that may outweigh Phil's bad coaching. Although promoting Chris Taylor may be the best of both worlds (keeping continuity with a better performing coach). I'd be down with that.
  21. There are many degrees of "terrible". I think UB will settle into the consistently top 3 in MAC but always underdog v. top programs version. Which isn't actually that terrible.
  22. The silver lining for UB Athletics is they get the $1 million buyout from Alabama for Oats leaving while under contract. So that's something I guess... https://heavy.com/sports/2019/03/buffalo-bulls-head-coach-salary-nate-oats/
  23. Exactly. Good for him. Sad to see him go, but I think it would have been a foolish career move not to take a promotion while his star is brightest. I don't think anyone here would say with a straight face that they wouldn't take a ~4x pay raise to go do the same role someplace else. (Oats @ UB would make $800k under new contract; Avery at Alabama who was prior coach made $3.062m per year)
  24. Despite my comment about still needing line help, I will mention that the WR's they got are in line with my preferred team building strategy of having a bunch of equal WR weapons rather than one stud guy. Allows you to pick on matchups and be more unpredictable as an offense. Thinking about being similar to the Patriots and Rams (before Cooper Kupp went down) teams that have a bunch of quick guys that don't match your typical "prototype NFL WR".
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