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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. In the past years he has yes. I haven't said anything since 1. I didn't really care at the time, 2. It generally doesn't help to reason with him and 3. Re-staining the fence does make my yard look nicer. I'm not sure how long my civility in that regard will last if these incidents keep up though.
  2. Shaming him on the internet is good enough for me... for now. This video is almost up to 1,000 views on my facebook page btw.
  3. Oh it's totally a "me" problem, but I thought I would mention it. As long as we keep winning the current GDT starters can do whatever they damn well please.
  4. I'm glad he's here for your amusement. You're welcome to come by and give him a piece of your mind anytime. ? Personally i'm in that sweet spot of disbelief and amusement that these little petty acts somehow make him feel he is sticking it to me. It's his fence. He meticulously sands and repaints it every year.
  5. Bob Marley reference. Solid. Also last time you made a GDT I read the "NS time" as the actual game time and almost missed the whole first period!
  6. Continuing my bad neighbor complaints from the random thread, last night my wife went through the Ring doorbell videos for the past month and discovered that my neighbor takes his dog over to my yard to relieve himself every day while I'm away at work. Apparently I live next to a child. What a jack wagon... RingVideo_20181129_070350.mp4 Link to original post if interested:
  7. There really isn't one specific story. He doesn't work and is home all the time, and as a result he is very meticulous about how his yard/property looks. This isn't anywhere close to the first time he's done something like this. I honestly don't know. He had a verbal shouting match with my dad like two years ago about our construction mess ruining his yard, but I haven't said more than a few words to him since we moved there in 2013. Since then, he now passively aggressively comes out with the leaf blower every time I mow the grass or take the leaves to blow "my" grass off his property onto mine. I believe he thinks that I mess up his property intentionally and retailiates accordingly. I have mostly ignored it or laughed it off, but this one is especially silly imo
  8. Correct. And there's a reason I used the software upgrade to remove all record of that name. Mistakes were made man...
  9. Do you want to know what my favorite thing about winter is? ***** neighbors. Here's my magical jack hole of a neighbor shoveling snow from his driveway in front of my side door after I left for the day. Let's hope he passes on his values to his two young kids. ? RingVideo_20181128_175059.mp4
  10. First Bold: I agree that NYS does a good job with gun laws generally and it is probably more productive to normalize these efforts among other more lax states. Second Bold: While I couldn't follow your rabbit hole on the swearing thread, i'm with you on this one. Disclosure of social media accounts is a slippery slope towards totalitarian big brother government surveillance. That's some George Orwell stuff.
  11. I'm going to show my naivety here, but as someone who has only ever made coffee using a coffee maker (traditional pot. Keurig, etc.) how does one make coffee without one in order to follow the methods described previously? I recognize this may be akin to asking how does a wheel roll.
  12. I had a terrible string of bad usernames. I think I started with "loose_goose" thinking that Paul Gaustad was going to turn into prime Milan Lucic.
  13. Thank you for your expertise on the matter. Sorry for the digression!
  14. An underrated part of our recent success has been the ability of the bottom of the roster guys to bring a level of consistent play despite being in and out of the lineup. Guys like Girgs, Larsson, ERod and Elie have each brought something a little different that's been effective despite not playing every night.
  15. I can agree with that. I'm done with this thread.
  16. I guess there's a reason you have been able to rack up 37k in posts...
  17. but the position that Dark is taking to get to that point is such a dramatic bastardization of SDS's original comment that we aren't even talking about the same thing anymore. This community is already very approachable with respect to language and is one of the most civil internet forums I have experienced. There is basically nothing we need to fix as a community, other than maybe next time you want to swear, instead of using sh!t take the same time and type out ***** which will be filtered appropriately. It's not that hard and it isn't some Fahrenheit 451 big brother censoring conspiracy.
  18. You're not wrong. Civil discourse has become anything but civil.
  19. For a team that is predicated on aggressive play and interchangeable roles between forwards and defense, it is very helpful to have a guy that we can rely on to be in the right spot and be a calming presence to cover for the inevitable mistakes that happen with a high risk play style. Sobotka is that guy. To misuse Rob Ray's quote - "the game slows down when he is on the ice"
  20. Basically politics in general.
  21. Sorry Dark, I can't follow this rabbit hole you are going down. You are making this into something far bigger than what it is/was. This doesn't have anything to do with making this forum a *child safe environment* and is a simple don't use !, #, @, etc to replace vowels in swear words so they appear and aren't filtered out. You sound like an old guy shouting "got off my lawn" or "kids these days"
  22. Seems pretty simple. The board already has generally good decorum, so if you need to swear, just use the filter so it turns into asterisks.
  23. Maybe we can use this as an opportunity to finally solve the baby microwave debate. Right @Wyldnwoody44 and @WildCard?
  24. I think a lot of the posts in this thread from July have more to do with "show me the baby" than any sort of overwhelming negativity. It's hard to fully buy in when the results have been consistently bad until the team starts to demonstrate otherwise.
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