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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. I have friends coming over that are bringing thier fancy mixology stuff. So I at least have the drinking part covered
  2. I have multiple projectiles at the ready for exactly this reason.
  3. That was good. Ridiculous, but good.
  4. They will be met by a thousand death stares immediately. It will be glorious.
  5. The logistics of that from a space perspective makes some sense, but remember that NFL stadiums lower bowl "slope" is far more gradual/spread out than that of a modern NHL rink. That and I keep thinking of a Carrier Dome type setup of temporary bleachers on the field end that would be admittedly tacky and awful. I'm sure for the price being mentioned there is a more elegant seating arrangement, but the two sport stadiums always seem to be half-ass representations of both that don't excel at either sport in terms of layout and fan experience.
  6. My SabreSpacing is nearly entirely the product of having a headset and having both hands free to type away during boring conference calls. Some of us aren't fancy lawyers with leather bound books and their own sound proof office.
  7. In an open floor plan office setting the bluetooth/wireless headset is near mandatory, unless you want your whole floor to wish death upon you.
  8. What kind of monster are you that you use speakerphone in an office setting?!?
  9. Is this how you rack up 13,000 posts?
  10. Thunderdome time! Two GDT's enter, only one will survive!
  11. Remember the uproar a few years back when a fan passed out in the drainage ditch and died? Let's just one up that with stories of drunk fans falling into the Niagara River and/or over the falls. Free media coverage every game day!
  12. I'm wearing one right now. Come fight me. Mine is about 1/4 the size of the one in @pi2000 post above though.
  13. Inky - you always start the best topics. Nicely done
  14. "Alexa, buy a 10 gallon jug of personal lubricant. Deliver to..."
  15. I'm more worried about your chicken scratch handwriting to be honest.
  16. Finally catching The Marvelous Mrs Maisel on Amazon Prime. So far we are four episodes in and really enjoying it. I'm so glad I missed out on all these good shows when they came out, so now I have tons of great highly recommended shows to come back to.
  17. and Thompson completely off the PP. That experiment didn't last long.
  18. I sprained my ankle pretty badly yesterday, so as a result it is very difficult for me to leave the living room. My punishment is I am forced to watch today's Bills-Jets game in its entirety
  19. I know I just commented on it, as frustrated as I am about the officiating the last few games, they didn't give up 6 straight goals against
  20. Don't worry they finally called the blatant slash to the back of the knee with 0.0 seconds left. That'll help
  21. I remember the last one during the tank years when we got excited to watch Eichel and... that's it. The talent level on this team actually would make for a fun/interesting skills challenge. Gone are the days of watching Zemgus or Matt Ellis compete in these.
  22. Ended up with 17 carries for 238 yrds and 4 TD's. That's an insane 14 yards per carry for the game. I think you're right. It's amazing how far the Jags defense has fallen since last year's dominant performance.
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