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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. Sorry TrueBlue - we've all been waiting for the Risto trade to drop for multiple weeks now. It looks like it isn't happening before Thursday's opener.
  2. Work complaints today. I have a big presentation tomorrow morning, for which I am relying on a few other colleagues to provide some input information that I have been asking for the last two weeks. It is now <18hrs until the presentation and they still haven't provided anything. This means I get to spend nearly all of those hours pulling this together. ? The inputs they needed to give me weren't even that ####### hard to do, they just procrastinated the ***** out of this. The worst part is sitting here doing nothing knowing that the second I get their files it's armageddon for me.
  3. We ended up getting a stop in Victoria as part of our Alaskan cruise, so I still got to show off some of B.C. to my wife. The good camping and hiking is definitely part of the interest, but we also wanted to be close enough to the downtown area to explore. It was much easier to enjoy B.C/Vancouver when I was traveling on my company's buck ?
  4. Well duda we were planning on visiting Vancouver first, but audibled when we saw hotel prices in the mid $300's/day. To this day it is my favorite place in North America and can't wait to get back again
  5. As someone who just took an Alaskan Cruise back in August, I will absolutely say that's different and also well worth it. The amount of scenery you can experience just from the boat, plus the nature/wildlife oriented shore excursions and opportunity to explore really made the trip. I can't say enough good things. Even the cruise portion wasn't too bad, given the drink package and premium dining options. ?
  6. Thanks for sharing Weave. Regardless of party affiliation we should all be working to have our conversations and as an extension our government to act in a way that facilitates conversations and actually functions like a democracy (or more accurately a representative republic). Consolidation of power to the point where a handful of people make all the decisions shifts our government a lot closer to a dictatorship than I imagine a lot of us a comfortable with. I would point out that the proliferation of the internet has shifted our society away from the ability to conduct a civil conversation with differing viewpoints. It's all internet trolling and echo chamber content lately.
  7. It's the inevitable big sell off to bank on the young guns. The team success is all riding on how well Vlad Jr, Bichette, Biggio etc do in transitioning to the big leagues. It can either turn out great (Houston with Altuve, Correa, Bregman) or not so great like Profar or Buxton to a certain extent. Either way they are tough to watch now - but unlike the tank in hockey, relying on big prospects is a proven way to become a competitive team in MLB
  8. I know I missed it last year, but if MODO and NS are coming, I guess I would have to come back and do it again. I think that first year was the best turnout because we had a lot of out of towners come for the game (MODO, Neo, etc.) that it made it even more of a special event. Actually on second thought... ?
  9. A 31 year old all-star 1C with nearly 900 career points vs. barely in the league but former Finals MVP Cam Ward = win for me. The dark net already has all the information it could possibly want to identify you btw...
  10. Just bought our tickets for Austin City Limits. Plan to go to the second Saturday as part of a trip to the Austin area for my cousin's wedding. Anyone ever been and have tips/recommendations?
  11. Nice trade. Great value for a useful piece. The remaining term is a big value on our side
  12. With the 24th pick in the 2006 NHL draft, your Buffalo Sabres select... Dennis Persson D - Sweden Ugh....
  13. As someone who has been to much of Europe, nearly every major city in North America and the Caribbean - NYC is the worst of them by far. I'm currently in Berlin now, and I know it's not quite as big, but this is a big city done right. Clean streets, useful metro, lots of history and culture in museums, etc
  14. This is absolutely the correct opinion. NYC is awful.
  15. Figured it would be tough to pin you down ?. I'm told by my wife that all of those spots are on the itinerary, but thanks for the recommendations! Stay safe out there and enjoy the wanderlust!
  16. Haha. Excluding last year's Italy trip, i've probably only taken about 100 other photos in my lifetime. I'm with you.
  17. I'll admit ever since I got a good camera phone (Google Pixel 2) it makes the mobile photo taking much more palatable.
  18. Come on NS, I can get behind the "underdog" mentality of Toronto playing against the dynasty Warriors, and being the only team in Canada makes for a good storyline, but Toronto is not and cannot be called a "small market" team. Toronto is the 5th largest North American city behind Mexico City, NYC, LA and Chicago.
  19. This used to be me as well. I would just enjoy the sights and the experience. Then last year in Italy my wife challenged me to the be the primary photographer on the trip... I took 1,200+ pics by the end of it!
  20. Not sure how much longer you are in eastern Europe, but starting Saturday we will be in Krakow, Poland and heading west from there to Berlin over the next two weeks. Not sure I can promise equally attractive sights and women in Poland, but at least we're some friendly faces if you're feeling adventurous...
  21. I was really hoping to check in on this thread and find him signed or indications that its a done deal. A whole lot of nothing so far. That would have been a nice way to finish off the week :)
  22. Chernobyl was fantastic. It was gripping, stomach turning, compounding mistakes drama centered around the arrogance of man. The disaster itself and the pacing of the events surrounding it made it a great watch. I will say it is amazing how far a government will go to protect/prevent negative press and maintain power through messaging. If you think things like this are limited to Soviet era Russia I don't know what to tell you...
  23. We're getting the band back together!!!
  24. Tyler Kroft broke his foot today in OTA's - out 3-4 months. Joe Buscaglia ā€¸Verified account @JoeBuscaglia 1m1 minute ago Kroft's broken foot is the same one he broke last season as a member of the Cincinnati Bengals. #Bills
  25. There has never been a better reason for the glass window in the microwave. You need to know when the baby microwavin' is done. We're all a bunch of degenerates. ?
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