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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. i'm pissed that im writing a paper tonight instead of going out. Why did i have to show up to class and watch everyone else turn in their midterm paper while i sat there looking stupid. Then the prof tells me that i can get credit if i write it and hand it in via email tomorrow morning. what a jerk! doesn't he know i have better things to do that write this paper that he has given me 2 months to do?!?! Good thing i used the family troubles excuse - vague enough to have no detail but serious enough where they care. procrastinating :wallbash:
  2. having an assload of baseball on saturday/sunday (3-4 games) only to have nothing for the rest of the week. I know some of you aren't baseball fans but waiting until friday for the sox game is killing me. In addition - having the ALCS on at the same time as the sabres opener. thank god for dvr.
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