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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. The turnovers they are causing have really masked the yardage given up. It remains to be seen if that will continue all year (a la the NO Saints super bowl team) or if the turnovers taper off and they are exposed as the yardage sieve that they are.
  2. And the best part was that all his tackles weren't 15 yards down the field or after the WR caught the first down pass! :worthy:
  3. I agree 100%. He was intriguing because IIRC he had ties to the Buffalo/WNY region and had enough collateral to pull it off without the Jim Kelley clusterf#$% of having 12 minority owners. Keep the team in Buffalo and i'm a happy guy (unless it's Quinn :death: )
  4. Wasn't there rumors a while back that a wall street type from LA was interested? What ever happened to that guy?
  5. :shudders: Does Quinny even have the type of coin or connections to put together a bid for the Bills? Remember NFL franchises are way more expensive than their NHL brethren. Not likely...
  6. They said on the 97 Rock pregame that he was available but was planning on playing only in 4 wide situations as the dime corner and would limit him to 10-15 plays. The coaching staff didn't want him to re-aggravate the injury by putting him in too soon.
  7. Are you referring to the Bills punting for a touchback with a 15 yd personal foul penalty added on the net yardage on the punt was... 3 yards? :blink:
  8. Best of luck to both of you two on your family health issues. Kinda puts all the petty complaints in perspective when there are complaints like those in here. I'd feel pretty silly complaining about work and such now :unsure:
  9. Work drags on so slowly when you are looking forward to a vacation in Florida starting this Friday. Doesn't help this audit i'm on is confusing as hell...
  10. Don't you guys know this is a complaint thread? :nana:
  11. 2005 Ford Five Hundred Its not sexy or super old like some of the Mercury clunkers earlier, but it gets the job done. Now my 99' Explorer while I was in college was awesome. Always on the brink of exploding... :lol:
  12. but those could have been his cheap drano-laced drugs :thumbsup:
  13. I missed free jeans day yesterday at work. Only tool who came to work in dressy clothes. Sabres won so all you get is that lame a$$ complaint. S'all good baby!
  14. So today I'm finishing up my work trip to northern minnesota. My complaint is why must there only be 1 terminal airports everywhere I go up here. And its gonna take 7 hours to get home to buffalo. I just want to be home
  15. Thanks! that was bothering me too. Is it sad that I wasn't sure whether we were in DST or not and had to do this process twice? So used to having my electronics know without me telling them... did you really have to manually adjust clocks back in the day?!?
  16. My complaint is that I get Korab's joke but shrader's response has me totally baffled. Pretty sure chz is a girl and doesn't have those, um, 'parts' :unsure:
  17. my complaint is that I had to wait a whole week to reply to their posts. and my real complaint is that for one of the first weeks it was nicer weather in Buffalo my work ships me off to Kokomo, Indiana where it was rainy and 30 all week. Do I never get to experience spring?
  18. I wish Gerbe were taller... and Ennis... and Byron...
  19. my dad calling me early this morning before class telling me he's playing golf. I know he meant well but WTF?!? i have to suffer through 2 hrs of finance while he is golfing in november :doh:
  20. maybe he is just a psychic. he knew that the game would get tied in the eighth. :w00t: but back to the point. Everytime an announcer uses a classic call, (i.e. "do you believe in miracles?" "i do not believe what i just saw", etc.) it just cheapens the legacy of the original moment. Seriously guys, if you can't come up with anything clever and inspiring on your own, your not that good and you should just call the game straight... Sabres fans used to do this all the time when RJ used the "scary good" line. for the next year everything was described as scary good and it ruined the call...
  21. hey inky - the sox are only down one now... we still have hope. J.D. Drew homers in the 8th and yeah Bm that PbP guy should be shot for being so ignorant as to call a 3 run home run in the playoffs as a "miracle". I really hate it when people quote old classic calls when the significance is nowhere near the original situation.
  22. the red sox can't even manage to keep the game close so that i can watch it. every game has been over by the 3rd. Oh well, at least the yankees didn't even make the playoffs :nana:
  23. The a$$ varsity basketball team at school here. they think they are entitled to something because they made a DIII college sport. They schedule practice tonight to go from 5-8pm so I have my club team practice from 8-10 after they are done. no big deal right. It's an important practice for my team because we have a tournament this weekend and need to fine tune some aspects before we play. I even emailed the building supervisor to make sure that the 8pm time slot was available. He assured me it was. So when I show up there the coach tells me to leave and that they decided they wanted to practice another hour till 9. As an aside he mentioned that "I shouldn't even be able to watch our practices and i'm lucky he is letting me do that." thanks prick. I was really going to beli-cheat your practice. none of your guys are over 6'4"...
  24. and its past 11pm, you can say bad words on cable. :thumbsup:
  25. i sincerely doubt this guy has anything to do with hockey. He is probably at home watching the history channel or reruns of Matlock. still procrastinating...
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