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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. I'm more annoyed that the best offense in the league looks like hot garbage against a beatable Patriots defense. Mahomes hasn't missed that TD throw all year
  2. I can't imagine how irate I would be if that no call PI was against the Bills.
  3. It is infuriating to watch the Patriots magically make things look easy while good teams trip over themselves. Tony Romo pointing out how great Tom Brady is every other play doesn't help either.
  4. Yeah in the snow the traction control sometimes does the opposite. The system tries to correct when it senses slipping/loss of traction, but in the snow you need predictability most of all, and randomly stopping wheel spin can be dangerous when you're trying to get through snowy conditions
  5. I was thinking going to the bar/mixed drinks, but yes you have a point.
  6. That's not the worst idea you've ever had, especially since we can confirm that the whole group of us will be able to sit together at the Harborcenter rink, which won't happen for the Sabres game. That said, knowing the personalities on this board - it may be dangerous to keep them from drinking for another 2-3 hours.
  7. Bob Seger concert last night was awesome! Took my dad for his christmas present and it was great to see him enjoying himself and singing along to all the hits. For being 73 years old, Seger can still sing man!
  8. Especially since polling is showing that more than half of the British public is now against Brexit, now that they see what it actually means for them.
  9. The pettiness is growing with the Pelosi/Trump pissing match. He's mad she won't let him do the state of the union in front of congress, so he cancels her NATO/military trip to Brussels/Afghanistan hours before the flight. I'm not exactly pleased with either side on this one, as they both seem to be petty childish actions to spite the other - ignoring whats for the greater good of the country. Oh and the FLOTUS took a similar military plane that Trump canceled for a leisure trip to Florida hours later.
  10. Thanks LGR - when we went to watch the Beauts game a few weeks back, it was interesting to note how many of the players were from Buffalo or the surrounding area. It's impressive to see the dedication of the NWHL players to continue playing the sport they love, especially when they need to juggle another job for supplemental income.
  11. For the last time Charlie - stop eating the urinal cakes!!
  12. Can confirm that all the "country" coffee over there is the same thing. Delicious.
  13. Yes I know. The irony is not lost on me that D1 Clemson football players had their worst meal of the season while visiting the White House.
  14. I keep thinking - there isn't a catering company that can feed 100 college students available in D.C.? Fast food was the best you could do?!?
  15. Came here to post this. People complaining about the carolina connection didn't read past the headline
  16. I'm sure. McDavid and Eichel are 22 years old and already comparable. It's a meaningless discussion though so whatever
  17. Yeah not worth another hour of my time tonight. Surprise me Sabres.
  18. Pfft of course. Jack Eichel solves your 2C issue pretty quick. I mean bylsma won a cup with Crosby and Malkin. McDavid/Eichel would be way better than that
  19. Is finding a new coach one of the options? I'm quickly moving towards that solution
  20. Solo was meh To your other point, it has nothing to do with the movies themselves getting progressively worse as we aged. The best ones were the original two
  21. Isn't it like 5am over there? That's some dedication my friend
  22. It's like rubber necking the car wreck in the other lane. You know it's bad but can't look away
  23. They certainly don't look like a well coached prepared team tonight
  24. There's literally a handful of players on this team that are worth a damn tonight. The rest look like they're playing youth soccer
  25. At this point it's gonna be fun watching it burn tonight
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