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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. Who is this "they" and how can I get them to be better at their job? That and the Eichel/Zemgus partnership lasted all of 1 game. :censored:
  2. It doesn't sound like a demotion to me, only in the way you listed them. If you list the Eichel line as the #2 and the Zemgus line as the #3 as a shutdown line it makes more sense to me. Especially with the way that DD has been treating and talking about Larsson and Moulson, there's no way that line gets 2nd line ice time.
  3. That's pretty awesome. The WJC is an awesome event and one I would love to go to. Always great to see the young up and coming stars playing. Outdoors at the Ralph sounds like a pretty awesome time, even if the hockey can sometimes suffer a bit in the winter classic games.
  4. Again let me repeat that I voted for John Scott because he's an awesome guy but mostly so that the NHL gets rid of the fan vote all together and lets the players vote instead. It's the only form of protest we as fans can do at this point.
  5. Got a chance to taste a glass of Blanton's at my local watering hole as the first item on my wish list. Damn was that a good pour. I probably drank it way too fast because it was so good but it is definitely worth getting a bottle for the home bar
  6. I am highly skeptical of the bolded. I do not remember the last time a defenseman caught a breakaway forward and cleanly checked him off the puck without drawing a penalty. I'd be open to hearing some examples to prove i'm wrong though...
  7. PMI is also automatically cancelled once you reach the 80% remaining principle on the mortgage value. But yes it is a waste of money and is only necessary when you can't save the requisite amount. Here's a good informational link: http://www.consumerfinance.gov/askcfpb/202/when-can-i-remove-private-mortgage-pmi-insurance-from-my-loan.html PMI is also why I went with a 15yr rather than a 30yr, so that I can reach that 20% threshold as soon as possible. That and buying a much cheaper house than I could afford were key in my situation.
  8. Apparently you only get to vote for 4 players this year, one for each division. My vote was ROR-Ovi-Seguin-Scott :thumbsup:
  9. I'll be voting for Risto and ROR. In the future I am excited about possibly having too many sabres to vote for, rather than hoping one of our guys would make it. I'm thinking Risto/ROR/Kane/Eichel/Reinhart for the 2018 team.
  10. I too have noticed Eichel taking shorter shifts than his linemates. I had always attributed this to him being a rookie and not wanting to get caught out too long and therefore playing it safe by leaving a bit early. sort of a "i'm a team player" type demonstration.
  11. Just remember - its the poor people that the banks and credit institutions make all their money off of. If you max your mortgage payment, you can't beat the lending system.
  12. that's what I got as well. Only required something like 3% down which seemed really small. Also don't overextend yourself with mortgage payments beyond what you can afford. Usually the pre-approval number the mortgage companies give you is much higher than what you actually want to spend/look for. But if you had rented during that time you would have spent all that money (or a slightly lower percentage of it) and not had the opportunity to recoup the investment by selling the house. It would just be gone. Home ownership isn't supposed to make you money, but it allows you to invest in capital rather than paying someone else for the right to live somewhere. The other point is that with the interest rate market where it is now, at roughly 4%, it is a much better time than 10 years ago when rates were in the teens. The more money you can pay upfront and in the first year, the less you get killed with interest and the more you pay in actual principle on the mortgage. That's why you buy in a price range you are comfortable in and are able to make extra payments in (if possible).
  13. I'm sure that my process was a-typical, but I just randomly went to an open house one day and met the realtor there (who happened to be a family friend). The house was in the neighborhood I liked, but wasn't very compatible with what I was looking for. That day went home and did some internet research on one of the realty companies sites. After a few more showings I found a house with the bones I was looking for in a first home/renovation project. What surprised me most is I didn't save up much money at all before deciding to buy, and was able to get a minimal down payment as a first time homebuyer. I should have used one of those first time home buying savings accounts that banks were offering at the time (2013) but like I said it was sort of an 'impulse' buy. I have been doing renovations ever since, including building a new front porch, gutting and renovating two upstairs bedrooms and totally redoing the kitchen/dining room area. Working on the 1st floor bath and entryway at the moment. The mrs. is very patient with my renovations and absolutely loves the new kitchen.
  14. Good hockey has that effect huh? I'm currently on second whiskey glass.
  15. I thought his call today was quite good. Again it helped having a great game as source material
  16. Oh no doubt. They didn't call much but it was consistent both ways. In general I'd prefer a few more calls especially in the scoring areas but the calls did not dictate the outcome at all. We came up short in the carnival game
  17. To be fair the list goes Weave... ...everyone else. I will change my request to the small batch four roses. Thanks gents and ladies
  18. It's cause the shootout is a carnival game. You don't have to use your best players you use the guys that are best at climbing the fukcin spinning ladder. Remember Brad Boyes was a shootout all star :death:
  19. The shootout is so disappointing after that. I want more hockey!
  20. Also looks like I'm not alone on the Gio hate :)
  21. Omg a penalty?! I don't believe it
  22. That should be an automatic call even worth less than a minute left in the third. Gross. Excited for 3v3 with how this game has gone
  23. I'm so ready for Gionta to be off the top 6 and Eichels line. He ruins every play by just giving away the puck instantly
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