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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. John Scott may be one of my favorite personalities and people that were ever on the Sabres. He won the fan vote because for every team that he has been on, the fans have recognized that he is a good guy - a lovable goofball who plays the enforcer role. It was very interesting to read about his perspective on the whole situation.
  2. Mario Williams.
  3. I know it's out of desperation with the forwards, but this is one of the line combinations that many of us around here were interested in before the season started. Y'know - before Moulson turned out to be rotting hot garbage. As well as Lehner has played the last few games, its important to remember that he is coming off a major injury. Better to ease him in to action slowly.
  4. Thanks for the response Josie! To the bolded, it certainly beats doing something you hate but are good at. I can tell you from personal experience that you notice every day of work when you don't feel any satisfaction in what you do.
  5. Larceny is very good for such a low price point. The Mrs. got me a bottle for christmas.
  6. Yeah but that O'Reilly guy turned out to be awful... :unsure:
  7. Corn v. Rye. My mistake. For some reason I was thinking Wheat=Rye.
  8. Those are sooo Purple. I love the color scheme but man that's a lot of one color.
  9. Last I checked Bulleit Rye was only $28 a bottle at the local Premier Spirits. That would definitely give you a different taste as the rye whiskeys are much different than bourbons. Mash is primarily Wheat v. Corn iirc.
  10. Agreed - my college experience and decisions were based solely on "how can I make the most money once I graduate". This led me to becoming a corporate finance shill as opposed to pursuing something that I actually enjoy or that betters society. We have very few successful liberal arts careers here because those folks are shelled with tons of student loan debt and low paying jobs coming out of college. It's all about the dolla dolla bills y'all. To add: I'm sure our friend Josie can expand on the topic, since she is one of the most talented artists I have ever come across and yet repeatedly has to struggle with long hours and substandard pay. I'd say she has far more useful skills than I do but we don't seem to value that in our society. (sorry if you didn't want to be mentioned Josie, but it was done with the best intentions :) )
  11. Why not? An investment in our education base (which is woefully behind other developed nations) is exactly how to provide our nation with qualified individuals able to contribute to the workforce. The small percentage of folks that will use it as a 4 year party will be far outweighed by the hundreds of thousands of students that currently want to go to college but can't because of finances/social standing. Socialized education would also have a positive impact on all the other things you mentioned (Low interest loans, ability to refinance at lower rates, work-study, and getting colleges to reduce tuition)
  12. Excellent - glad to hear you are enjoying your visit to Buffalo 2.0!
  13. If only someone around here would beat the drum to acquire Eriksson... :nana:
  14. If you don't want to limit yourself, you might get more bang for your buck with the bourbon whiskys which are more widely available since they are from the US. My go to for a nicer pour at the bar right now is Blanton's, which you can usually notice if they have it from afar since it comes in an epcot type glass globe. Very smooth and high quality. Maker's Mark is much more recognizable name and is much sweeter. Eagle Rare is a good cheaper pour that most bars might have as well which comes from the Buffalo Trace distillery. FWIW, most if not all of my knowledge on the subject has come from We've peaking my interest and making me go research for hours on end in the interwebs.
  15. Ahhh... scotches. Yes without knowing your personal taste preference you might have to try them all. Scotch has four distinct regions that have very different taste profiles, so until you know which *type* you like best, it's tough to give a true recommendation.
  16. Tonight Jack's linemates are Cal O'Reilly and Jaime McGinn. That should make your point in a lot less words.
  17. If Smell didn't respond directly after your post I would have spent five minutes trying to figure out what TAS was an acronym for. :unsure:
  18. My favorite thread is back! Are you looking for something you are buying from the bar or for home? There's plenty of good stuff to take home for under $30 a bottle in the bourbon realm. Most places around town will still charge $8-$10 per glass for a whisky neat.
  19. The key is to at least pass out after you make all of Liger's faces. Gotta take advantage of the alone time. Brown chicken brown cow. ;)
  20. Especially since he has very little leverage since he has yet to even sniff his first big contract. Big gamble that if it backfires he never gets a chance at the first contract that pays him anything.
  21. Like say free college education and an increased emphasis on early childhood education? Or how about a serious overhaul to No Child Left Behind and eliminating mandatory standardized testing and sanctions? Sounds good to me http://feelthebern.org/bernie-sanders-on-education/ (sorry in advance for all the Bernie stuff today - slow day at work and I've been doing a lot of reading)
  22. Also, the highest tier tax rate is the lowest it has been since the roaring 20's. Over a significant period from the 40's to the mid 60's the top tax rate was near 90%. It is now just below 40%. http://www.businessinsider.com/history-of-tax-rates
  23. And yet the last week or so the team has gone on a winning streak and has been playing quite well. With a bunch of AHL'ers and scrubs in the forwards. Interesting.
  24. To add to the good news, just sent in the payment and paperwork to cancel that dastardly PMI on my mortgage. Today is all downhill from here.
  25. There was a very helpful infographic put out by Bernie Sanders supporters showing the wealth disparity between what Americans think the wealth distribution "should be", what they think it "actually is" and then the current reality of the wealth disparity in the US is. It might be pretty helpful explaining what Drunkard is trying to get at. Let me see if I can find it. This wasn't what I was thinking of, but it gets the same point across. http://feelthebern.org/bernie-sanders-on-economic-inequality/
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