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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. Going to tonight's game - excited to see our Sabres team that have played relatively well over the last week plus. Hopefully Kane coming back will provide more scoring depth, but i'm worried he is rushing back and may have potential for re-injury. Go Sabres!
  2. GTFO.
  3. @ $2,165 Two units on the Sabres ($200) tonight. I will be at the game and my rooting presence will be the deciding factor! :nana:
  4. I agree. I think it really came down to Hillary was not able to generate passionate support within the democratic base. I don't know anyone who was really passionate about her being the choice.
  5. Because the majority of the general voting public goes to vote for President only, and votes "names I recognize" in the down ballot. Exactly. A representative democracy only works if the people who are voting actually care enough to know who they are voting for.
  6. Purely a joke, but if your neighborhood was Lackawanna, then this is exactly what you saw. http://www.wgrz.com/news/local/major-fire-at-bethlehem-steel-site/350367496
  7. I'm not satisfied with the outcome, but can admit that Clinton did not create a strong conviction to vote for her and this lack of inspiration may have been her undoing. That said, as a white male I will be fine, but I sincerely hope that the campaign rhetoric and claims of mass deportation and targeting of minorities was just bluster and is not followed through on. I am legitimately fearful of my friends and fellow citizens who are lgtb+, muslim, mexican, and women in the US. Not only because of the results of the election and subsequent President Elect, but knowing that there is a vocal engaged group within the US that has such strong racist/bigoted views. Truly scary knowing those people are out there.
  8. Zemgus Girgensens will be traded before the deadline.
  9. I thought they were in separate columns, but my memory is fuzzy at 7am.
  10. Absolutely agree on the qualifications for supreme court justice. Took me about 15 minutes of reading yesterday to confirm that those two were clearly the most qualified choices. I didn't think the ballot was misleading however. We had these scantron things that were very easy to understand IMO
  11. Loser. Now at $2,165. F### Bahstahn
  12. I voted based on who I will vote for tomorrow.
  13. I was just going to say I'm fine with anyone but Cutler. Dude is a cancer.
  14. No arguing that point of view of him being done. You either believe or you don't. He is certainly a much better traditional QB than Tyrod, but I think the injury concern + age on the wrong side of peak + lack of mobility = not a significant upgrade to what we currently have. Now the contract conversation of whether we want to commit to Tyrod as a long term answer makes a short term veteran much more appealing. Not a choker. See above.
  15. Also the notion that Romo is "choke prone" is completely mis-guided. He has one of the highest passer ratings in the fourth quarter of all active QB's. This talking point is based entirely (IMO) from the time he fumbled a snap close to the goal line in the playoffs. One time. If we think we have a playoff team outside of QB next year (a big if) then I have no problem with a veteran short term answer at QB
  16. Since they are a plus I am betting $100. If I win, I get my $100 back and also $145. If I lose, i'm out the $100 I bet. I don't think it's confusing at all, but if you want me to say 1 unit I can certainly do that.
  17. I... dont get it. :unsure: Is there a joke i'm missing? Glad i'm not the only one.
  18. Let's go Sabres! Interesting that the records are pretty similar and both teams are playing relatively well yet the Bruins are huge favorites on the money line.
  19. At $2,265 I'll put one unit ($100) on the Sabres tonight.
  20. Leaving work early for a bachelor party camping weekend with the guys. Work seems to fly by when you know you're leaving at 1pm.
  21. Sure you can - you just do it after you win the election :flirt:
  22. It is a little odd watching the Wild that they seem to have almost half their team as former Sabres. There's 28 other teams to trade with Minny, share the love!
  23. Dang Wookie - I like the optimism :w00t: I would prefer if all of Kadri's goals came like that
  24. To be fair, it would also be the start of the zombie apocalypse if Cleveland held championships in multiple sports - no?
  25. The dissoultion of "cheap" labor is so far into the future that it really isn't a relevant concept. There are still extremely poor third world countries (Africa) that if the wages in China/India reached a tipping point the manufacturers would enter unexplored markets. That and the necessity of cheap labor will soon be a non-factor as robotics and automation technology become cheaper and cheaper. Eventually the capital cost of a robotic solution coupled with the efficiency will shift the manufacturing trend from cheap labor. The hard laborer jobs in America are a thing of the past and anyone who is claiming they can bring them back does not understand economics and is purely using that talking point as a political means to drum up support. Globalization and flattening factors (sorry for the Friedman reference) are not going away and will only continue to expand and influence global business.
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