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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. I'm continually impressed with how good Risto and McCabe look as a pairing together. They are a huge catalyst in the offensive and transition game, and still play solid in the defensive end. It's unfortunate that keeping that pair together with the current roster means there are two significantly weaker pairings (though I like the small sample of Fedun I have seen). If/when Bogo and Kulikov come back as a second pair that would make all the difference in the world in the defensive quality and allow us to play the open exciting game we saw last night without getting burned as often.
  2. Winner New balance is $2,205
  3. Probably not but it's a lot easier to talk about a game that has more than two goals amirite?
  4. Hell yeah! A 5-4 win?!
  5. Larsson you moron
  6. Good job by Carrier driving the net there on the opposite chance to draw the penalty
  7. Everyone's gif game has been on point tonight. Well done
  8. I too finally got to watch the video. I don't know what it is about you Swedish bastards but you crack me up every time Fantastic work MODO
  9. Because we aren't trying to play Alamo hockey anymore. When we play a wide open style they look slow and are ineffective
  10. Well Fack. Who says fire wagon hockey isn't fun?
  11. Guys... We have 4 goals. Just wanted to mention that
  12. Just kidding goal!
  13. Glad that was correctly called interference. Need to survive until the intermission
  14. Looking good on the prediction there liger
  15. Way to blow the plan there.... :bag: We are all very excited that one of our members feel like it is important enough to travel across the pond and meet us for a hockey game and night out.
  16. New avatar! Noice
  17. I knew the scoring was bad but didn't realize it was that bad... yikes Encouraged by the shake up in the lines. Hopefully that will translate to some extended zone time and more chances.
  18. Interesting move, given the success of Terrelle Pryor in Cleveland moving from QB to WR it may have potential. That being said, the Bills don't use the TE we currently have, so why get another one?
  19. Way to go Josie! I just talked with another friend who has come to a similar realization and is jumping back into the job search market. It might be scary at first, but the only way to improve your situation is to try...
  20. Oh absolutely I will believe it when I see it as well. There was a healthy amount of skepticism in my original post.
  21. Guess who's back, back again Jack is back - tell a friend Jack is back, Jack is back, Jack is back interested to see DDB's new "open fast offensive style" as long as it is nothing like the style we have been seeing for two months now.
  22. One unit on Buffalo tonight At $2,065
  23. Despite my hopes and what I posted above, given the prospects of landing another NFL starting QB, I think the Bills are picking up the option and having TT as their quarterback for another 2 seasons. The next chance for an easy out cap-wise is after then IIRC.
  24. This was my point. The round they were drafted in makes no difference once they are drafted. Pu is scoring at over twice the rate of Bailey and 50% more than Baptiste and we were all very excited about their prospects of making the NHL.
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