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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. ok ok what about some bouncing tits?
  2. Beleive it or not smartass Ennis did play hockey before he got injured. So it would make sense to assume he was talking about when Ennis was in the lineup on the wing as opposed to him talking about when ennis was out injured.. Please be less of a dick
  3. and now for something completely different
  4. I agree Gerbe has thous 3 things. But at best I can only say Ennis is competitive, occassionaly shows some heart, and the only toughness he shows is taking a hit on plays. The last 2 IMO are what make his defensive board work bad not his lack of size.
  5. I'm just worried that teams are gonna start exploiting his tendences. Hopefully he likes center and can overcome any gameplanning teams might do.
  6. So far I like him at center cause it has gotten him off the walls where I think his game is weakest and it has let him skate alot more rather then standing still on a point or on the boards. I am still on the fence on him handling the defensive coverage as a center, but so far he has generally made good decisions. Also he really needs to spend a few practise days with Gaustad cause I have been unimpressed in his faceoffs
  7. we left handed gingers shall take over some day and then there shall be a reckoning.......... a RECKONING i tell you
  8. behold the power of boobs........................
  9. guess you get to be unhappy then :P
  10. Things where so much simpler when we all had Connelly to hate on.......
  11. good fantasy defensemen are rarer then great fantasy forwards imho
  12. In your pants?
  13. I do not miss watching the sabres of that era spending 45 outta 60 minutes chasing the other team all over the defensive zone. It was nice knowing that we would fight anyone and throw checks everywhere. But it was boring and frustrating watching a team be called the hardest working team in hockey just cause they spent the whole game chasing the play that was being dictated by the opponent.
  14. Why the hate for Sekera? the man gives a good effort, is willing to actually skate the puck up ice with speed (unlike MAG), and will actually throw a bit of a body check now and then (again unlike MAG). Considering that I will accept his occasional bonehead defensive coverage.
  15. Don't think I been making very many moves with my team.
  16. I'm ToweroPower57 in the blue league
  17. I just got done watching season 1 this past 2 weeks and gotta say looking forward to season 2
  18. Thou maybe this would be more of a raising cup banner song for a season opener :thumbsup:
  19. http://youtu.be/tXjK_q4zwww
  20. At least the opening part of it.
  21. F@$% this offseason of tragedy has to end sometime.
  22. makes it more like the football ones for me at least. Should be interesting thou
  23. Sounds like the NHL scheduling monkeys can really influence this format. Out of curiosity why this as opposed to a straight points league?
  24. First time I have been in a h2h league always done the points one. I'll have to look up the rules and read them for this one lol
  25. I'll join if there is still openings. I normally join a couple yahoo leagues each year.
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