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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. Parise is not a game changer. he is a complimentary player. I didn't see him make his linemates better in this playoffs. I saw him hustle, make some skill plays, and get muscled outta alot of plays. Go ahead and disagree with me if you want, but I saw nothing from him this playoffs that screamed break the bank for this guy
  2. The Canadian have a legacy of winning cups too................
  3. I wasn't impressed with Parise. IMO he is a more skilled Gerbe. whilest I don't hate Gerbe like some members here do. I just don't want someone like him on my top line
  4. I think Lindy's coaching style these past few years has been a result of the roster he had. I expect him to be a bit more fire and brimstone on the bench and a bit more forgiving in the lockerroom now that we are getting the type of team that will play in your face type hockey. IMO and I think Lindy share this. It is easier to forgive mistakes made in a loss when giving a all out effort than it is to forgive mistakes made in a win with little effort
  5. think he is talking pp/g not ppg
  6. Hodgsen is working out with Roberts. Let him pull some double shifts every game ;)
  7. Roy will piss you off cause you will see glimpses of a player that could be really good. But ultimitaly you have a center that is a follower not a leader and one that needs to be the compliment to a line and not the focus of it
  8. Um he is a goon if you put him on the ice you kinda expect him to be off the bench for 2, 5, 10, or the rest of the game. plus as others have said he will be getting like 2-3 shifts a game he plays in
  9. McNabb made me secend guess him late in the year. I am not sold on him being a top 4 dman in the future. Now if it was all concussion related I will rethink my opinion of him
  10. If we sign Semin I am joining drane and deluca on the dark side
  11. I still say doing a mcsorely on lucic woulda been acceptable at the time
  12. I think you get the first cause your essentially just changing phillys drafting from a 1st to a 5th.
  13. I don't know alot about Ryan but I assumed he has a decent two-way game. If he plays good in his own end I really don't see a problem with him and Ruff. Almost every problem players seem to have with Ruff seems to start with defensive mistakes. IMO it is one of the reasons Stafford seemingly goes unscaythed by him.
  14. except the sabres have a logjam of players for their defeneman roster spots. But lets say they do want to ship Meszaros out even thou they are looking for defensmen. I would say a more equal deal would be vanek, weber and a 5th for Meszaros, Coutier and a 1st
  15. I am not argueing if it time to move on from him or not. I am argueing that it is assine to think Vanek for 1 prospect is even close to a fair deal.
  16. Exactly. you have watched him for 7 years. You have nursed every mistake, weakness, expectation you had for this player and you are now the exact opposite of what you claim Darcy is. You undervalue every player that has been here for awhile and overvalue anyone not in a sabres jersey
  17. Sorry you lost. do not pass go do not collect 2 tickets :P
  18. I think the Jets are poised to be a contender this season. If they get some decent play out of the center position then they might take the division
  19. either your high or you are the most optimistic person on the earth lol. I would post my feeling about MAG's but I think I have covered it pretty good the last couple times I commmented on him
  20. Pommer lets you play your number 1 line againest the others teams number 1 and to me that is a huge bonus. It lets you disrupt the other teams offense and should allow your other 2 lines to get some quality chances as your opponent has to either shuffle line changes or accept the matchup
  21. wait your saying Folignos new jock is sexy?
  22. we dont trade for Ryan or Nash. We sign Konpoka and i think in a stunner Doan signs with us as the Yotes ownership issue lingers
  23. I thought he was charged with molesting kids 48 times not 48 kids. Yes only slightly different and doesn't change the fact that I hope Bubba teaches hime some real man love.
  24. My only concerns about Ryan is that there is the preception that he is a prima donna and a headcase. I recall him holding out and having a fairly nasty contract dispute about it sometimes involving the media. Also I seem to recall talk about effort issues with him. These things conern me with a team with the sabres reputation.
  25. I'm not gonna say stafford sucks. I will say i expect more then what he shows all the time
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