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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. this are facts Outside of the bedroom, the most common place for adults in the U.S. to have sex is the car Drane has said he loves the Sabres The 1969, Time magazine’s “The Homosexual in America” was the first cover story on gay rights in a national magazine In the movie Soylent Green (1973) starring Charlton Heston, people in an overcrowded world are encouraged to enter special suicide centers. The corpses are later processed into Soylent Green wafers as food for the overpopulated world Drane has said he hopes Lindy Ruff wins a Cup Unlike birds, which flap their entire forelimbs, bats flap their spread-out digits A picture of Gandalf the Grey (from The Lord of the Rings) can be seen in the collection of great wizards in Professor Dumbledore’s study in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Drane makes sexual innuendos to chz During the first season of TNG, Patrick Stewart had a sign over his door that read: “Beware of Unknown Shakespearean Actor Approximately 1% of people worldwide identify as asexual (having no strong sexual attraction to either sex I conclude that in my opinion Drane shot JR. He was the one that actually had an affair with Hartnell's wife. Also that he sodomized porky pig at a backyard bbq while Donald Duck wanked it.
  2. I think Buffalo gives Doan the best chance to lead a team to a cup. He goes to the others teams he might have a better % to win it all but he will be a bit piece not the main attaction
  3. I am not sure he is worth 5 million a year
  4. nicely done you have now worked Lindy Ruffs name into a pedophile thread. You must work in politics lol
  5. I know a person that got molested at a YMCA should all YMCA's be shut down? I understand the hatred and the reaction of burn it down shut the whole thing down. I even agree that the whole system of college football encourages a protect the name culture. But shutting down 1 schools program because of what a handful of criminals did will not change the system. It will just punish the people that had nothing to do with it
  6. I disagree. The program is more then them. Thats like saying the Sabres are Pegula, Black, Regier, and Ruff.
  7. Your so not invited to join my group of survivers come zombiegeddon
  8. to punish the program is mob mentality to me. The people directly involved and by that I mean that ###### Sandusky and all that helped cover his crimes should be punished. The program did not do this and it did not cover it up. The people in positions of power DID. Also maybe I am in the minority here. I want Joe's statue to stay up. I want everyone who walks past it to remember what his legacy achieved. I want all that pass by to stop and think about what putting personal fortune and reputation ahead of morally right can do
  9. I am guessing Merle won't be to forgiving of him sticking with the people that left him to die
  10. hail to the king baby
  11. 5 year ELC is to long. If anything they should put limits on the 2nd contract. I am thinking the longer the 2nd contract the more per year salary that can be given. 5 year max contract I don't like either. much simpler to get rid of the salary cap workaround contracts by making the 1st year and last year of a contract having to be within a set % of each other. Or better yet tie the highest salary year to the lowest. I don't like the salary arbitration system but I am not sure what they should do instead. I think 10 years to become UFA will be almost impossible for the NHLPA to accept maybe they would take 8 years? or maybe try something different and set a age that you become UFA? say at 27 you can become unrestricted? I am guessing the revenue % will end up being 52%
  12. looked to me like he had something tied to his right arm
  13. I think McNabb is in Rochester till a trade happens and then he gets a chance to show if he can actually make it. Unless of course he lights it up in training camp. Then he might force the issue
  14. thats what she said
  15. the lack of logic on display here is amazing
  16. They also showing the pilot episode done in black and white sunday night
  17. you are obiviously high if you think the kings win the cup without Quick. their record setting goalie allowed them to take so many chances on the forecheck. Take him out and you take out the forecheck that so many here where raving about. Also I think Quick will be good into his 30's mid 30s i don't know. It will depend how he adapts his game to his diminishing reflexes
  18. completely agree on this
  19. and yet again I say he doesn't bash them. he is brutally honest in interviews if I was playing D for him and I fubared my assignment so bad that I left a player to walk in on him on a breakaway and it cost us the game I would be extremely pissed, I would probaly be bashing myself in the media before the goalie got a chance to say anything
  20. Maybe my hockey expereinces are the outlier but........ Goalies are like the kickers in football. They are allowed and expected to be rather strange. I mean you are volunteering to have vulcanized rubber fired at you in excess of 100 mph you gotta be slightly unhinged. To say his attitude is detremental to the team borders on obsurd to me. The only way it could be is if he had sex with the captains wife at a toga party on tape and then spooged in a cup of beer and made Pommer drink it...........
  21. I still don't understand the throwing his teammates under the bus thing. Granted I don't watch every single post game interview but the ones I have watched he seems to answer all questions honestly if it was a bad read by his defensemen he says so if it was a puck he should of or normally stops he says so. It's not like he is going into the interview going WTF was weber thinking that idiot he left me hanging or that ###### Leino all he had to do was step infront of Landeskog and we have a win. But maybe I missed thous interviews
  22. hopefully Be a GM connected will actually be implemented nicely for NHL 13
  23. bad news..... The ducks wouldn't take Gerbe and 2013 1st for Ryan. I blame it on his reaching 90 overall. However i did get him for Gerbe and the 2013 and 2014 1st rounders lol
  24. actually no, I am being serious I think i can get Ryan from the ducks for Gerbe and a first........ in NHL12. let me fire up the ole 360 and see if the ducks want forwards or defensman atm in my be a gm save
  25. think i can get him with gerbe and a first......
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