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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15gvD33XAkM
  2. I don't recall that rule
  3. the stupid in this thread is rising to epic levels
  4. The new skating is gonna take some getting use to. Also the new AI awarness is making the game play alot different
  5. i think they said at 58 million there was only 16 teams under that.
  6. I liked the red jerseys. However if this new jersey is gonna be real similar to the current or original sabres jersey I will be dissappointed. 3rd jerseys should be used to celebrate a city/teams history (original sabres jersey has been done) or to take the chance to try something outside the box. Either give me something from pre-sabres buffalo hockey or give me something radical.
  7. so when Doan signs with the Canucks I should probaly avoid this board for a month as Drane has a psychotic mental break right?
  8. Just like when a relationship ends for me I don't care who she sleeps with................ err I mean I don't care where Doan goes I just want the waiting to end
  9. To me the commish of sports leagues is more like someone that would be in charge of a inheritance for a bunch of kids. It's not his money but he has to make them all work together so they don't bankrupt each other. Also a likeable commish is completely out of character compared to the other major sports
  10. if he goes to montreal for alot less money i would say it reflects badly on us as I think we are a better team and have better prospects then them. If it is to a team that gets meantioned as being a cup winner soon then no
  11. im committed to not getting hosed on a goalie stat technicality again lol
  12. I refuse to take a side when billionares are argueing with millionares over how to divvy up my money
  13. I feel as thou we must fight........... perhaps a bargain can be struck? give me all albums from Kill em all to the black album and I will concede everything past that and the band as a whole :beer: I like lots of different music about the only types I don't like in general are country and jazz. at the moment I am listening to Green Day on a fairly regular basis and Led Zepplin, The Beatles, and The Doors when ever I sit down to do some reading for a extended amount of time
  14. I don't see Doan leaving the Yotes he has waited this long. I think he is staying
  15. His point I think is that we are spoiled and cant appreciate the goaltending we have because we look back at a freak of nature and go wtf goalies why cant you do all that too. I happen to agree with him if that wad his point. If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a...... Opps wrong sport
  16. this more physical Ennis discussion is assinine.
  17. so what team will he be playing for in 13-14 season?
  18. some things heard from drane and his band of joyful cheerleaders Elvis Presley?!?! what the Eff has he done lately No mister bond i expect you to die I just watched Miracle........ bunch of pussies barely even threw any hits some people ask if we like biggie or tupac to them i say ta hell with thous wimps give me Vanilla Ice all day any day How dare you get peanut butter on my chocolate
  19. I don't think Lucic fears to fight anyone on the roster and by that I mean any teams roster. I can see him fighting any number of players in that game.
  20. Its not like they have a history of cheating the system with injured defensemen *cough* rathje *cough*
  21. I remember mcnabb impressing before his injury, I even changed my profile pic to one of him. I also remember him coming back after the injury and missing hits, getting caught flat footed, making bad defensive reads, making bad passes, and jumping up into the rush. I do not recall him impressing me at all during the teams push for the playoffs.
  22. I won't speak for the chicken wings as I don't eat wings to much. But I don't think Duffs is overrated when it comes to chicken fingers blue cheese and fries.
  23. he completly lost his confidence or was still suffering from the upper body/concussion he get mid season. Either way unless he comes out and is laying people out left and right, skating good, and making smart passes again I don't see him even being the first call up from ra cha cha
  24. you can fight in hockey lol
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