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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. Game 3 he out for season with a bleeding ######
  2. Watching the last two episodes shows me that the sabres are changing the culture of this organization. between the team building exercises with seals and iPads to all prospects I am very optimistic about the future sabres. Thou watching ep4 has made me even less impressed with rolston as coach
  3. i wouldnt mind a stoll for leopold trade. From what I understand Stoll can fill in on top 6 for a spell and he could force Hecht to the 4th line center and I seem to recall alot of people here saying how you can never have to many centers I don't see thous 3 playing your typical 3rd line role. I see them being more of a hybrid do everything line
  4. Sven something or other, He might be projected as the teams top LW not sure as i dont realy follow that trainwreck of a team lol
  5. how in the hell did autodraft take a Flames rookie winger in the 12 round?!?1 he better have a monster year for me.
  6. I must not develop a mancrush on Brennan it's too early and its jinxed the last few defensman
  7. all the talk about the lockout ending didnt work. Playing NHL13 didnt do it either. Getting Peppy's sabres calander for January? LETS GO SABRES!
  8. I got notifications about sabresspaceblue and sabresspacegold drafts on monday. We just doing gold right?
  9. Hodgson played a smart game last year. he struggled because he came to a new team with new systems with new teammates and never got to settle down as we where already in full grind mode for a playoff spot with the schedule as it was. I expect him to be vastly improved even in this shortened season. If him and Vanek develop any sort of chemistry I think this team will challenge for the division.
  10. I would love to see every sign in the FnC say the same thing for opening night The cake is a lie
  11. http://youtu.be/mcYzDk_ZQsA
  12. Signed up as FrellyouNHL Nobody could you give me a brief rundown of the rules Gold is using please. I know you all had stricter roster movement changes. But I want to be lazy and have a little cliff notes to view.
  13. I will play in either one. Are we doing one league for this short season?
  14. Bushmills black bush is far better tasting and seems to leave less after taste for me. Next to try and find a bottle of this fabled feckin
  15. From hells heart I stab at thee
  16. I was impressed with the simple good game from Pyschk (how the F do you spell that). He made smart passes when he had it and seemed to always be in the right spot to help his ogre of a D partner get rid of the puck.
  17. Got a bottle of Bushmill's Black Bush for this holiday weekend. I was told by the worker there when I commented that my understanding is bushmills and Jameson are kinda the same with a different label, that it is a more flavorful (stronger) version of Jameson. funny thing about that brand....... worker approached me asking if he could help me and i said I am looking to try a different irish whiskey but I only see bushmills, jameson, and tullamore dew in a affordable range. He told me we use to carry another brand called Feckin but only 1 person use to come in to buy it and it looked like we don't carry it anymore. Might have to try Premier liquer next week.
  18. +1 awsomeness points to our Santa11Claus
  19. I want to hear again how Gailey and Nix are wonderful football guys that can be trusted to build a winner.
  20. There is always a Miller joke. It's kinda like tits or beer always being the answer
  21. Mckee is the highlight of my twitter feed lately
  22. I completely forgot that Varada ever used number 9
  23. andy reid offense with Alex Smith.......... not sure it would work. I think Alex Smith could fit in as qb pretty good here with Spiller leading the way thou
  24. UPDATE a ###### still not given by me
  25. even with all this news.....A ###### was still not given by me.
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