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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. The Hoff gets traded at the draft me thinks
  2. but but i don't want lord Z traded :(
  3. doesn't change the outcome i predict Thing is I am wondering if his international job is going to continue to be there. one player tested positive and the IOC is investigating another on Nolan's team. As the Head Coach he has to bear some level of responsibility for it. I am not saying Nolan know or encouraged such things but if it happened during his tenure as the head coach it will be something that is considered whenever he goes somewhere looking to coach
  4. but if we annex canada we lose any chance of being rid of beiber
  5. first I think Roy flames out within 2-3 years and by flame out I mean full blown Roy temper tantrum ranting and raving. Second I think the job of Head Coach is very different compared to a executive of a nhl team
  6. I still support the Starks............ The North Remembers
  7. if that is the case. there is two troubling things my mind jumps to. If Pat thought he would have more say in things after hiring TM and patrick it makes me question his decisions in the hirings. If the plan was this, why not say so in the begining. Until the details emerge on this I think this reflects poorly on patty.
  8. probably hired as shooting coach.....
  9. was i the only one that read this as eff yall?
  10. does this mean the end of practice?
  11. wow sabres twitter account made that list..... i find it boring not must follow worthy
  12. and speed limits are more guidlines than laws.....
  13. the trade deadline is not going to determine if we are tanking. The opening of free agency will determine that
  14. why not both?
  15. did you at least offer to get the gallon of milk off the top shelf for him?
  16. Right cause nhl arenas are used every day for their hockey team...... Arenas get used for more than nhl games. So this idea that the poor owners have empty buildings and are losing money is laughable.
  17. I heard this was really about Scott playing the drums on enroths pads....
  18. actually they have. As I recall hearing that was one of the concessions the NHL got out of them. you are missing the point. The owners are not assuming all the risk. They are using the games to get more money out of the IOC and to get concessions from the nhlpa. If the owners are so worried about injuries outside of NHL games why are they pushing for a Canada cup/world cup so hard?
  19. considering the contracts are insured and I believe the NHL demands the IOC extend coverage for the tournament. The owners are hardly bearing all the risk nor are they seeing none of the reward. The owners do see a benefit of increased coverage of the game they are making billions on. This is simply about the owners wanting more of the cash cow that is the IOC. I can't fault them on that. The IOC deserves to be bilked with the way they operate.
  20. sad news and a true loss to comedy. But this made me smile. Well done sir well done
  21. I challenged Rob Ray to a good ole hockey fight after ice hockey practice..... he laughingly decided to not test my 13 year old fighting skills. After we shared some shooting/passing and laughed at Dom's standoffish nature as he had the angry Dom face on and wouldn't come down the stairs until my team left the ice.
  22. getting back to the Arctic Monkey's, this song and video refuses to vacate my head http://youtu.be/6366dxFf-Os
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