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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. no offense millbank (and yes i know the saying about starting a sentence like that) but I don't completely trust your interpretation of the conversation about drinking and mental health issues and such being shameful. I have seen many conversations where you simply lost something in translation and misunderstood something here and vice versa you have said things that I have had to read a few times and I i just don't fully comprehend what you meant. I believe this is one of thous situations. What i have seen is people going into overdrive on the TP is the antichrist and he has stoogies that cover up for pedophiles and they are like super mean and hard to work with(exaggerated for effect only slightly) and they are saying this with just as little information as the people that have said what is wrong with PLF. unless someone really leaks the story we will likely never know what happened but I would like to point out a few things. PLF walked away after 40 days with the Islanders the big thing that occured during that? Smith fired as GM and the backup goalie was made the GM PLF walked away (or was told not to come in) after about 2 1/2 months with the sabres what happened about 2-3 weeks ago? The only thing i kinda recall is the sabres terminating Omark's contract PLF tells the doctors and the sabres that he can play and they are wrong about his dangers with PCS demands to be traded when they say no PLF turns down a contract offer from the Islanders and refuses to come to training camp, gets traded to the sabres PLF did a interview maybe last year? or 2 years ago? I think for the hockey day in USA stuff and they asked him about the concussions and PCS and if he had any lingering problems. I want to say he said he did have some things like light sensitivity at times and that his family would call him out on moodswings once in a while ( i could be misremembering the symptoms) I am almost certain he said he did think about the dangers the numerous concussions could have on his quality of life. if anyone wants to try and find it they spent alot of it at or skating on the little rink he made/makes for his kids and the neighborhood kids at his house TP suffered and defended Regier for what 3 season? before he said your fired TP kept LR for what 2 and almost a half seasons? I am willing to bet LR could be very crouchety if he thought he was in the right about something (maybe the moustache makes me think that of him?) TP was willing to hand the keys of this franchise over to PLF 3 months ago and had to be told by PLF no no no I am not the guy to be making all the decisions PLF sat in all the meetings this team has had whilest they revised the Regier plan PLF did all the meeting with all the GM hopefuls and heard and possibly discussed ideas of directions to go with drafting, trades, FA signings, intentionally tanking!!!!! PLF left to go work for the NHL and by extension any of the other teams in the league first point I am making is patty has a documented history of leaving when he does not get/hear what he wants. Unless that person has built repeated teams that have won cups (note it is plural) and repeatedly contended for said cups (plural again) that is not a favorable nor desireable trait in a team executive. It would be like hiring a speech writer that doesn't speak the language you are going to give the speech in second patty has talked about the dangers the concussions pose him so I don't think it is out of line to ask the question. asking the question is not the same thing as comparing a employee that use to work somewhere that has a now convicted pedophile to said pedophile is it? third i have yet to see anyone let go quickly or come out and say bad things about about TP what I have seen on the hockey side is someone that if anything has waited to long to smash things like a tyrant fourth the NDA is something that was made absolutely needed the second it was said patty was going the the nhl offices to work. I don't care how upstanding of a guy you are ###### leaks out alot quicker if there is no legal reason for it to remain mum and you don't want the internal working of your draft, team direction, player rankings and such made public lastly I would like to paint a verbal picture here. the olympic break is coming up. PLF calls Omark into his office and tells him we are sending to you Rochester before the roster freeze takes effect. Omark is clearly not happy and patty being the player guy he is gives him the Girgerenko speech about paying your dues and such and your still young and you got talent. Omark nods his head and says ok. few days later no Omark in rochester. TB or some other nefarious TP henchman come to patty's office and asks him if he told Omark to report to rochester patty of course says yes I told him. well pat he hasn't shown up and he just told us he isn't going back to the ahl for another season, you did tell him this was just for the olympic break right? of course i told him that, don't tell me how to do my job I am the president of hockey operations here not you. pat I am not telling you how to do your job I am just asking if you told him this was for 2 weeks or not. Get out of my office I don't answer to you TP is my boss. Couple of days later TP comes to patty's office. Pat we gotta talk about this Omark thing. Ya TP that might of been a opps on my part I don't think i was real clear on the temporary thing with the ahl assignment but no big thing we just recall him when the rosters unfreeze and I explain it to him it will be fine. Pat this is the 2nd player in like 2 months that has refused to do as you/sabres have told them. A 19 year old prospect that we are hoping to anchor one of our scoring lines is one thing, but a 26 year old that has achieved almost nothing at this level? we can't let this pass, we gotta terminate his contract. terry don't do that this was my mistake and further more I am in charge of hockey operations this is my decision. Pat this is more than a hockey decision this reflects on the brand badly this is a business decision and it has to be done. If you go over my head on this terry I am done. Pat don't say that man. I am serious terry you hired me to do a job let me do it. Pat take a few days off and see the family and think this over. this is a move that has to be made I am sure you will see that once you get some distance from it. week or 2 later prideful patty is still pissed and has not backed down from his I am resigning over this on principle stance. TP is doing what he can to change his mind when suddenly it happens. Miller and Ott are traded and a moment has come that can't escape the notice of everyone. where is PLF? someone smells a scoop. someone sees a nefarious opportunity. the die has been cast. DYSFUNCTION AT SABRES HQ INVOLVING PLF. cue the sensationalism. cue the left wing right wing clipped wing conspiracies. did PLF walk because of Putin? did he walk because TP said screw thous Ukrainians they wouldn't even let me frak there. Did TP walk in on a ###### involving TN PLF TB and sabretooth?!?!?!? OMG weez needz to knowz and haz cheezburgerz. was there a organized executive seal clubbing that PLF took a moral stance against? or was it just a case of a prideful guy making a slight mistake and not being wired in a way to accept the outcome of it and move on? I don't know and the truth is my version of the events has just as many legs to stand on as anyone elses be they pro PLF pro TP or half red half blue. the only ones that do now what happened for sure have very little reason to come out and set the record straight
  2. that could be a strike against cory
  3. his odds are already slim to none. He has an established pattern of forcing his way out of places. As a players and twice in a suit. Short of some scandalous story involving clubbing puppies. There is little he can say that will change that and make a owner want to take a chance on him
  4. to be clear I am not saying plf is in the right here. I am saying that the islander thing was so far beyond normal that it can't be completely be used against him
  5. that depends on if your advise was no sir you should not make your backup goalie the GM of this team
  6. and they have some "tests" to do with you....
  7. I know the Stars PP is dry at the moment.............. but jesus our PK is horrible. edit: and there is it
  8. He is playing great. Hopefully he does seize this chance and prove us wrong and prove to TM that he is infact a number 1 goalie
  9. that depends if that 250 lb 11th grade defenseman is waiting to spin my helmet sideways on the blueline again... I know the situations you are outlining with staff. I still say it is lack of decisiveness. I think he is the one player that actually upholds the myth that Ruff and his 2 way play coaching destroys players. Staff is thinking if i reach for that puck what happens if I miss.
  10. I think they did want Nolan and whatever happened with PLF and Nolan's comments post that. I think they will reconsider the offer. Also the mear fact that Mulberry attacked PLF is making me rethink my whole outlook on it......
  11. I admit I have not gone to the arena in awhile and have never watched staff only when I have. However the typical broadcast TV angle does normally give decent coverage of the ice not perfect but decent (long as they are not zooming in on the puck carrier). the winger in me is always looking at the back checkers positioning and the defenseman in me is always looking at the positioning of the attacking team. I stand by what I have said about staff. He try's to play smart as opposed to hard and he lacks decisiveness.
  12. I have no real idea who you are referencing as having good guts. But I will answer this as thou it was directed to me (ego much?). The fact that I may bleed blue, gold, and silver (previously red and black (originally blue and gold)) does not influence me over the fact that we had a owner that got sent to jail, another that seemed to swoop in to save the team to boost his political standing and outright said the team was to be in the black and not the red no matter what, nor that our current owner came in proclaiming hockey heaven and cups (not singular), nor that the greatest goalie and 2nd greatest player (really 2nd greatest? screw you buffalo news) was a drunk a terrible person possibly quit on the teams in front of him and forced his way to a contender and dictated what was acceptable cost. None of these things influence my image of the sabres. Because the sabres are my valhalla, my nirvana, my eden. no player, coach, GM, or even Owner can change that because none of them are more important than the sweater and the crest, they can only contribute to the greatness and richness of it. The negative that they may do stays with them it does not apply to my sweater and crest
  13. see I think we have similiar thoughts on his negative plays. where I am thinking differently is I don't see lack of effort or lack drive. I see lack of decisiveness and I see a lack of a killer instinct
  14. I don't consider myself a Staff infection guy. but the underlined is just not true. To quote some of the more incendiary of the staph haters it doesn't pass the eyeball test. I am not saying he is not trying hard, but his game is not built on playing hard (it should be). He try's to play smart not hard
  15. looks like we are playing a lindy ruff coached team. good puck pursuit, aggressive forecheck, and fast skating
  16. ya I'm gonna have to say no to that also :devil:
  17. I have decided we can no longer trade Stewart. He is now my number brother and he must remain
  18. I have lost count. is this the 20th or 200th time we have heard the announcers discussing Enroths height?
  19. this assumes there is this evil meddeling empire of ownership that is the cause of all evil
  20. another thing I am noticing (based on the data in this). defensive players or perhaps just defensive defensman are more likely to pan out with later picks then the forwards. I sorted by shifts and it seems to me alot of the later rounds are defensmen
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